I think Ayn Rand is boring and
Obectivism is pseudo-cult like, for all her popularity and following, their free-market, individualist vanguard got wiped by the very thing that they all were so vehemently against - crony capitalism, which is now fully entrenched everywhere. So Rand and the Obectivism camp were just a vapor, but the cult of personalty is what endures. Which is an interesting prospect, say the formation (if you were inclined) of a cult is the challenge - set up the 12 point pseudo 'laws', lay down the details, hire the hall. Problem is I would get bored and say to my members to go home get laid, drink alcohol and forget about it. That would be true individualism, but then again it wouldn't be a 'free-thinking' movement would it?
Anyway, Playboy have released their interview series books for kindle (
'50 Years of the Playboy Interview/s' at
only 0.99 cents!), like a dart board I chose Rand's interview. But for the next one it's gotta be the Miles Davis interview. Suffice to say check out the
Playboy's interview series.
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