Civilization collapse 'doomsday' charts.

(Chart/s from Livescience )

On the topic of the  Robert A. Heinlein post and in relation to possible doomsday scenarios.  Nothing cuts it finer than the historic relevance of civilizations collapsing.  Considering that we are an interconnected global economy, with vulnerable supply chains,  high speed information and reliance on e-commerce, that sits on top of the depleting energy reserves of our world (oil and gas).  It is a house of cards. 

A recent co-researched report by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland broke it down into three points for an all out collapse. 

  • Predator vs Prey using wolfs and deer (nourishment) as a model for a scarcity of food, society collapse.  Consume all the food.  Over-breed, your species will die off.
  • Consumption vs Resources model.  Which has numerous anthropological and historic references from all the overstretched Empires of yesteryear that no longer exist.  Consume all the resources, you're done.
  • And finally (Karl Marx would be smiling) is the Elites vs the Commoners model. By allowing an extreme wealth disproportion occur in society, where the less than 1% gather all the wealth, leaving the rest gnawing at the bones.   The elite will eventually collapse, taking all of us with them. 
