Synopsis and cover art: When time ends, the seasons begin: Four short stories by Adrian Glass. Due date October 25th 2014. Amazon e-book (Kindle)

When time ends, the seasons begin: Four short stories by Adrian Glass.    

Due date October 25th 2014.  Amazon e-book (Kindle)

Synopsis and cover art.

Determinism and it's call sign.

Earth number: 762 has appeared in alternate universe, ours, except they've manifested in the wrong Galaxy, the Andromeda, which doesn't really matter anyway. Because our Milky Way is not their Galaxy, plus they have other pressing problems, a decade long war with Alien Hybrid machines who are addicted to human flesh, in liquid form, particularly the magnesium compounds. A decade long war that is nearly at it's end. To top it all off, the other Earth, the one that we reside on, is about to experiment with anti-matter via the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.  An experiment that Earth: 762 knows doesn't end well.
Determinism and it's call sign. A collision of parallel universes, multiple Earths, deviations in time and space. Wrapped up neatly in fatalistic certainty.


Adorable, self assured, narcissistic in such an appealing manner and yes, before you ask, cynical as all hell. Helel brings truths, reassurance, fun and games.  Dreams, reality, hope and disappointment. You just wear it, deal with it and hang out with Helel. He did warn us, he really did. The antagonist and the helper, Helel had a dislike and like for dear humanity that could have done better in the scheme of things, 'Alas! The adieu was a final one...' could be said as the end was revealed. But, Helel would never leave you. He is your friend and remember all black cats are named Helel.

Fieke Wolf

Fieke Wolf is on holiday, destination New York City. A Jung moment, it is instincts, synchronicity and war. It doesn’t end for her, it never will. Fieke Wolf a lethal German Assassin wants to have fun in the Big Apple, she read the travel brochure, it said that N.Y.C is the City That Never Sleeps. The brochure got it wrong, it is death that never sleeps and on Fieke's arrival, death has cast a shadow over N.Y.C. Something is stirring in the streets of that famous city, in it's buildings and facade. As turmoil spreads throughout the world and the cycles of history push the fading Empires ever so close to their rapid decline, Fieke just wants to get stoned, she doesn't care anymore.  Push button warfare, cowards and criminality flirt with death.  But they live in fear of it, Fieke doesn't.  Her past shaped her, the warrior spirit, her grandfather and her great grandfather's World War One, World War Two legacies. Bravery and honor.  Declare World War Three on Nemesis: Fieke Wolf, while she wears Gucci, you better pray to your gods that death is swift.

Professor Daimon

Mystery is abound, so is the inevitable. Professor Daimon comes in peace, rest assured that we are not alone in the Universe. Anthropology, biology, lust, love and loss. A story of hope and possibilities, amour and it's eternal bond, the forever of consciousness that never dies. The beginning of the end, is the beginning of the anew. Don't be afraid.
