Voids of the Elysium (Adrian Glass 2017)

Quote from Voids of the Elysium available on Amazon:

“…Eli smiles. “Please, sit. You would only be here if something is genuinely troubling my rebellions ex-pupil.” Noting Xael’s robes that although she follows the traditional attire, she has altered aspects of the the robe, draping into a more layered look. A darkened gray with geometrical shapes which rest on the shoulders, styled in a crimson embroidery.
Xael sits as does Master Eli, both of them sitting down onto specifically designed Void Temple chairs, which support and straighten the neck and back, that are also used for deep meditation.
A hooded and robed student places down a pot of tea with an accompanying pair of small metallic cups in front of the two masters of the Void Temple.
“A person has been coming to my temple…”

