SATRAN KAEVON (excerpt). A. Glass 2017


"Dad..."  Caitlin pauses, as she feels emotional."

"We don't have to go back over these events Caitlin...It's not really necessary.  It's trying to figure out if the trauma of loss maybe resurfacing.   We may not need to go there..."  Dr Ellis says leaning forward looking at Caitlin.

"...My father, special forces, Green Beret.  Specialized team, first gulf war.  The mission goes wrong from the start, they are dropped in too close to an Iraqi Bedouin town, from what I know and the events documented from the military reports that I've seen.  Dad informed command, they then arranged an airlift out...I think it was East from their position.  Early morning Dad and his unit moved out for the helicopter pick up."  Caitlin stops, lifting a glass of water.

"We won't continue with the recalling of events."  Dr Ellis sits back into his chair again.

"Casey...I just don't feel like traumatizing myself over it.  Yes, if I dig deeper and going back over emotional wounds.  It's not going to be helpful.  For me now, it's trying to understand why I am there...I've seen pictures, actually of the area where my Dad was last seen, the desert.  With the events of the last ten years, once again, the conflict there...the pain and loss of so many lives.  When I dream, like I said, there is a stillness...It doesn't really feel part of the current world."

"Your reality?"  Dr Ellis asks.


SATRAN KAEVON (A Glass 2017)

