"Completion" from the Minor Arcana '4 of Wands' card of the Thoth tarot deck, once again shows Aleister Crowley's simplified meanings of certain cards, albeit it is a Minor Arcana card, there is still a textured layering to the overall meaning of the card.  Maintaining its distinction to Crowley's occultism.  "Completion" is as close to Crowley's Gnostic Christian beliefs, than other Thoth cards.  With the astrological symbolism also attached to the card, the Jewish mysticism and Egyptian esoterica are not as present with this card per se.  Rather the Ram on each start and end of the wands is referenced to the Greek 1st Centaury cult of "Ammon", which was thought to have been brought back to Greece by Alexander the Great after he had conquered Libya, and saw the Amun statues of god like Ram's as they sat at the front of Temples. As he later saw himself as a god, the Ammon cult evolved under his auspiciousness.  The later symbolism of the Ram became attributed to the Roman Catholic representation of the Devil, later morphing into modern day Satanism in its symbolic representation of a Satanic animal, that being either a horned goat or ram.  Yet, the earlier manifestations of Greek, Phoenician, Carthaginian and Egyptian societies worshiped the Ram as a god of mercy and stability.    For Crowley, in lieu of the Ram symbolism it also represents love, conjoining with the Dove (end/start of the wands), which is very much a Christian symbol representing freedom, love and peace.  So, "Completion" is not a paradoxical card of dualities, is it, from Crowley's The Book of Thoth,  a card that represents stability, and in his words, a "gentleness".

Other aspects to Crowley possibly leaning towards a Christian ethos with this card, was his use of Christian terminology of the Will of Two and Will of God in describing elements to the card, whilst offering a clue, from his The Book of Thoth, that "Completion" holds a connection to "Order, Law, Government".  Thus, in governing systems of the West, despite our secular inclinations, may also hold a desire that a basis of governance is formed under an established belief, in this case Christianity.  And despite the card offering no visual paradox of Crowley's occultist manifestations, what it does say within its subcontext, is Crowley viewed, at the time, the Christian, at least Gnostic Christian, as holding what could be a foundation for society.  So, this paradox seems evident within the card's explanation.  

Further indicative to the overall ambiguity of Crowley's Thelema belief system which peaked in the early 1950s and found interest in the 1960s as a counter culture concept.  Thelema's overtly complex layering and use of predated occultism, would have been too much to unwind into a deeper study for the 60s counterculture, accept to say large portions of Thelema may have been influenced by Crowley's drug addictions.  Regardless, the potency and interesting aspects of the Thoth Tarot cards do have a place in occult studies.   

Atop of the card is the astrological symbols for Venus (love and beauty) and below Aries (fire).  Both in their symbolism, solidify the card as a balanced and positive reading.  The other clue, offered to the reader, in reference to "Completion" as a paradoxical subcontext, would be Crowley emphasizing, from the 'The Book of Thoth', that there are limitations to its completion, he goes on to say that these limitations may sow the seeds of "disorder".


As the four wands bear the Ram of Anum, he offers mercy, governance and stability yet also wisdom that the day has been completed.  There is no need to repeat and no need to return.  For love is our guide and so is peace, the Dove displays a purity that is within your reach.  Gently grasp it and then release it, let it find its own freedom.  Lest you know how to be free, the bird of peace will show you the way.  As it is the fire of Aries, centre of the Wands, that binds, sealing the circle of completion.  Under Virgo, love and beauty reigns in this place of mercy, peace and freedom.  Yet, the limitation of its completion can be seen.  And in this limitation, a seed of disorder may arise.


Mercy, Governance, Stability, Wisdom, Fulfillment, Love, Peace, Purity, Freedom, Purpose, Limitation, Virgo, Beauty, Fire (creativity), Water (flow) Guide the self, Order, Disorder (potential) from limitations, Harmony, Balance Completion, Aries.


(A.Glass 2024)


All Thoth Tarot card analysis and readings to date:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
