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  • Report from France24, interviewing Bushra Khalidi of Oxfam, outlining the U.S. Congress as complicit in supporting war crimes of Israel's invasion of Gaza, and genocide onto its Palestinian population. 


  • Meanwhile, the Fascist war machine of Israel begins its Rafha assault, killing 13 Children.  And is about to be freshly armed by US congress, who have unanimously passed a weapon funding bill for Israel worth $17 Billion, reported by the Times of Israel, as follows: "Of the aid to Israel, some $5.2 billion will go toward replenishing and expanding Israel’s missile and rocket defense system; another $3.5 billion will go to purchasing advanced weapons systems; $1 billion to enhance weapons production; $4.4 billion for other defense supplies and services provided to Israel; and some $2.4 billion to US operations in the region amid the Gaza war."  America is now directly supporting a Genocide in Gaza, it is no longer, if it ever was, the so called 'protector' of the free world etc.  Yet, amusingly, the extreme Right Wing Neocon Republicans, said a big yes to Israel getting a chunk of the funding, yet were 50/50 for Ukraine.  It's that Putin/Trump paleolibertarian dictator thing. 
  • Iran and Israel's shadow/real war, in all of its obscurity of the absurd.  Very much like that we are all in a new Cold War, that isn't a Cold war.  New York Times in contradictionary reporting, and in our fast paced simulacrum world, is not surprising as articles, generally are hastily printed without factuality.  To get that scoop.  Has claimed that Iran was in indeed hit by an Israeli missile, rather than just small explosive Quadcopters from Israeli spies within Iran.  And it is state of the art stealth technology, that actually took out one of Iran's air defense systems.  Via NYT:


  • It appears that Israel, like Iran have probed each other missile defense systems, hence the playing up and playing down of the 'attacks'.  The U.S. and EU officials continue to walk around in circles on both the Gaza genocide and the looming war between Iran and Israel, waffling on about de-escalation, when the EU and U.S. are both arming Israel to the teeth.  As the warmongering technocrats of the West ponder what wars they justify as conventional 'forever wars', in creating, in their muddled and confused minds, a new found stability.  The antiquated script of Imperialism ala Napoleonism and Frederick the Great, who both attempted to spread the Age of Enlightenment with militarism.  Can easily fall into the realms of Fascism (Italy, Germany 1920s, 1940s), and we have seen this occur again with the only 'democratic' country in the Middle East, Israel.   A reminder of these Right leaning, militaristic technocrats and 'war managers'; Napoleon and Frederick the Great did not have nuclear weapons.   Iran backed Mobilization force in Iraq has been bombed.  Israel's (or the U.S.) preemptive aggression into sovereign States, is at it again.

  • Commercial air traffic over Iran, Israel and Syria has begun to reroute.  America has failed to contain the spillover of the Gaza genocide, by vetoing ceasefire after ceasefire UN resolutions and not reigning in Israel, rather supplying them with unlimited weapons.  While allowing the rogue State of Israel to bomb sovereign countries in its assassination programs.  Can the U.S. afford a war with Iran?  No, they can't.  Fueled only with arrogance and overconfidence.  Everybody is going to feel the impact of this conflict.

  • The U.S. has vetoed a UN vote for Palestine to have full UN membership.  Allowing the secular Fascist state of Israel to continue to oppress and kill the Palestinian population.  As Biden will fade into the dustbin of history as the President that sign off the Gaza genocide, as the Neocons of the U.S. try desperately to hold off the proto-Fascist Imperialist Donald Trump from being re-elected again, as America's first Fascist President.   This is no Hollywood production.  But, the hyperreal playing out in realtime.
  • The militarist technocrats, neocons and Right leaning libertarians try and figure out what wars they favor and what justifies a genocide on a populous.  Iran, although not an ideal situation, may have ended up wedging a vanguard between Israeli aggression in the region and Western support for this rogue fascist nation.  Strategically Iran may have won, sending in waves of their disposal drones and missiles towards Israel that they knew were all going to be shot down (no Israelis were killed), costing Israel a reported, according to the Wall Street Journal, $550 million (USD). The attack lasted 5 hours. Israel has been ordered by the U.S and European Union not to counter strike Iran directly, rather sanctions are to be put in place.  Why? The oil price.  No other reason.  The Russian oil caps via the EU were failure, as Russia pumped out more oil than ever, bypassing sanctions and filling up any old tankers that they could find.  India and China sucked most of it up, and the rest ended up on international markets.  Ukraine in desperation did what any other country would do, in slowing down a warmachine and hitting their revenue.  Bomb their oil storage and/or oil production.  And this blunt age old war tactic has worked, reducing Russian refinery output and affecting revenue.  But, the oil price has jumped above $80 per barrel.  Something the backers of West do not want, due to embedded inflation in most Western economies. How long will Israel abide to not striking Iran directly?

(Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite data over the Gaza strip.  Buildings and homes that have been destroyed are shown as the red specs. The Pale blue specs, indicates the structures that are likely still intact, but possibly damaged. Via: Corey Scher/CUNY Graduate Center and Jamon Van Den Hoek/Oregon State University)

I have used the term Fascism to describe how a extreme Right Wing secular country, like Israel can reveal its true intention thorough conflict.  Despite Hamas's incursion into Israel on October the 7th 2023, it could be argued that it was in response to Israel's armed forces attacking West Bank refugee camps that began early 2023, prior to Hamas's October attack on Israel.  But, oppression and killings of Palestinian civilians has been ongoing on since Israeli Zionists inflicted "Nakba" (catastrophe) onto the Palestinian population in the late 1940s.  Prior to Nakba, the Jewish tribes of Yemen, Morocco, Syria, Iraq and Iran, lived in peace with the Palestinian/Muslim population.  

Gaza is the 1st European inspired genocide since the 1900s, and Israel's invasion of the Gaza strip in October 2023 has breached every aspect of the so-called rules of war.  Documenting their own war crimes in real-time has been so prevalent and exposed to the world, in which the West, that were somewhat (despite the exaggeration of the so-called Culture Wars) 'Centrists', are now revealing that they are also leaning towards the 'hard' Right.  In allowing this genocide and arming Israel (over 60% of its imported weapons) to commit to its Fascist inspired Total War and annihilation of Gaza.  


  • As the West urges restraint on any Israeli counterattack to Iran, but only on the back of the oil price going parabolic.  Meanwhile, Israel has been given the green light by the West for Total War/Genocide on Gaza (no oil there).  What will the extreme out-of-control Right Wing secular State do? Use AI to target Iran?


*Above image is international air routes over the Middle East, avoiding a major conflict brewing.

  • As the distinction of genocidal aggression and Total war of Palestinian civilians by Israel, has been deliberately blurred by Germany, France, UK and America, in response to the issue that Israel has revealed that it has indeed become a Fascist State.  Which is using the Total warfare playbook that has not been seen in decades.  Iran's response to Israel act of war on its sovereignty (The Iranian Embassy grounds bombing 1st April, Damascus Syria), while Israel's war machine maintains its indiscriminately bombing of refugee camps in Gaza, killing more civilians.  Like Iran, who wanted the UN to recognize that Israel has gone rogue in its preemptive bombing and clumsy assassination campaigns of Iranian targets throughout the Middle East.  Israel has also not been given the complete 'ok' by the UN Security Council, in condemnation of Iran's 'deterient' and self defense actions towards Israel, via Iran's widespread drone/missile attacks on the extreme Right Wing rogue state.  To which most were shot down by Israel, France, UK and America.  


  •  The autocratic Islamic State of Iran, has finally put its foot down on the secular Fascist and Zionist extremist State of Israel, after Israel bombed the Iran embassy in Damascus on April 1st, which is essentially an act of war, with Iran citing Article 51 of the UN charter of the a Nation's Right to Self Defense to which the Fascist nation of Israel has used to inflict a genocidal war against Palestinian civilians and bomb Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.  Killing medical staff, journalists, Aid workers, looting and destroying homes in Gaza.  Iran, although not an ideal situation, has acted the way it is allowed to act, as it also went to the U.N. and cited its rights, prior to their drone and cruise missile attack on Israel, as Israel did when they were attacked by Hamas on 7th October, but ultimately starting killing Palestinians en masse.  Who is to blame for this mess?  America.  With its double sided, militarist technocrat mumbled rhetoric, and unconditional support of an out-of-control nation like Israel, who has gone unchecked with its war crimes and Total War on the region.  A ceasefire should have been called at 10,000 dead Palestinian children, by America at the U.N.  It wasn't, instead the warmongers of the U.S. Congress kept vetoing every attempt at a ceasefire for Gaza and the region.


  • The Fascist secular/extremist zionist State of Israel has painted itself into a corner with its genocide of Gaza, while preemptively attacking any country it wishes in the Middle East without a repercussion from its enemy, Iran.   Or was this the intention?  To eliminate Iran as a threat, would mean Total War.  No surgical strikes, but mass casualties and a possible invasion of Iranian territory.  Will America join this war?  In other words. A full scale conflict is ensured.  It would be like no other Middle Eastern conflict to date.  


  • America and the U.N. did not condemn the attack on an Iranian consulate (Damascus, Syria) within Iran's embassy grounds. All the while U.S. State Department militarist/technocrats are making claims that they can manage proxy wars with everyone and 'low intensity' conflicts, at the same time giving the green light to Israel's genocide of Gaza.  Iran the autocratic Islamic State, according to the Wall Street Journal, is about to attack the Fascist 'secular' State of Israel within 48 hours:


  • Israel, the genocidal Nuclear armed Fascist state, following the Total War book with gusto, while adding extra dynamics to it, like antagonising Iran, Syria and Jordan with so called targeting (preemptively) assassination drone strikes, is now so out of control, the U.S. with zero credibility of what was left of its Middle Eastern policy, is either complicit to Israeli Fascist ideology or sympathetic to the plight of Israel's task to restructure the Middle East with its superior firepower.  The Right for Israel to wage war on multiple fronts, while starving and killing a whole population of Palestinians has now become U.S. policy.  Biden, who signed off an Israeli genocide,will send the Democrats into the dustbin of political history, while allowing Proto/Paleolibertarian Republican Fascism to shine.  A looming Middle East war lead by Israel, will be their Vietnam, and public sympathy will not be for a secular Israel or the U.S.  


  • This is what a Fascist war machine looks like in the 21st Century.  Israeli forces withdraw from Khan Younis in Gaza, and left the area totally destroyed.  Some of the graffiti on the destroyed buildings and homes written by the Fascist inspired crackpot army of conscripts, reads as עין הרע or "ayin ha'ra", degrading the area to be 'evil' or 'morally impure' ("Evil Eye").  Thus, justifying their war crimes of Total War on the inhabitants of Khan Younis.  As there are many bodies of civilians rotting beneath these destroyed buildings.


  • Israel is the first secular Fascist country to emerge in the last 60 years, which unfortunately has been backed and sanctioned by the West, more specifically America, U.K. and Germany.  With an appalling track record of human rights abuses, indiscriminate bombing campaigns and the targeting of medical and aid workers, including Palestinian activists.  The Gaza invasion, in a disportionate response to the October 7th 2023 attack by Hamas, and the siege of Gaza has lead to a widespread Genocide.  Israel's military has blown up schools, mosques and hospitals, shot and killed aid workers and Palestinians trying to get aid, including food.  By following the Fascist warfare template, Israel has also used famine and the denial of medical services to the Gaza population as a weapon.  All very similar when Fascist Italy invaded Libya in 1927, in its Total war campaign that displaced over a 100,000 Bedouin Libyans, with a approximated 70,000 that were killed via starvation, disease and in concentration camps from a population of 250,000.   The question is: How will Israel be stopped?  The extreme Right Wing nation is now attacking targets in Syria, dropping bombs on an Iranian consulate in Damascus, within the Iran's Embassy 'territorial' grounds, which is essentially a Deceleration of War on Iranian territory.  Israel, in its *preemptive aggression, could be about to set off the biggest Middle East conflict in history.    Will the U.S., whose State Department has been close to useless in stopping Israel's war on the Palestinian people, join Israel in their war with Iran? America has already begun a proxy war with Iranian militia. Via CNN:
"Israel's right to defend itself," used by muddled Technocrats in Europe, the U.S. and Australia, not so much in South America, Asia and Africa (where war crime/genocide investigations have been lodged by Colombia and South Africa, with the UN and ICJ), is wearing very thin. 


  • Is Israel expecting a military strike from Iran? In retaliation for the Damascus, Syria Iranian consulate/Embassy, which was preemptively bombed by the Israeli Air Force.

  • While the Fascist State of Israel is gearing up for their next invasion, which is of course going to be Lebanon.  With their ongoing Genocide in Gaza to rid the City of Hamas and then displace the Palestinians for a land grab, which may end up not go entirely to plan. Israel's army, as powerful as it is, will be stretched between two fronts and the country is a net importer of oil via Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.  Wars are not only inflationary but a drain on resources, namly oil. And it has to be delivered through the Red Sea, to which the Houthi Yemen rebels, in a rudimentary way are blockading and attacking ships on route to Israel's ports. Thus, making it Third front for the maniacal state.  Will Biden, before he goes into the dustbin of history, restrain Israel's Total war ambitions or encourage it?
  • *Bisan from the Gaza Strip, showing families breaking the fast (iftar) of Ramadan, while under siege by the Israeli occupation and genocide.  *In the clip, she notes the constant buzzing sound of drones flying overhead, no doubt some of these are American drones.


  • Thousands of Israelis protest against Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu fascist regime, to end the Genocide of Gaza, and negotiate for the return of what is left of the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th 2023. Via: Al Jazeera 

  • As Israel begins to paint itself into a corner as a bonafide Fascist state, it may have run out of options to justify its genocide on Gaza, it hasn't run out of firepower.  Thanks to America. And Israel is now in Total War mode to regime change the Middle East, after directly striking a Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria. This Nuke armed Extreme Right Wing country is now ready to wage total war on its Arab neighbours, maybe accept Saudi Arabia, as they want a piece of Israel's Nuke program and to have less Iranian influence in the region.  Yet, Israel is now out of control, with America diplomatically restrained in reigning in Israel.   The U.S. State Department who has lost all credibility in everything, but reiterates in its overconfident and arrogant technocrat speak, of "low intensity warfare", and overall that peace can be achieved through superior firepower Is tipping closer to 'utopian' colonization of Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, which can only be achieved with a full scale war, to which Israel is now committing too.  Regime changes, by an imperialist Country are also land grabs.  The most powerful army in the Middle East, and its right to defend itself  wage total war, is looking to expand.  Israel already illegally occupies parts of Syria and Lebanon, with plans to expand and double the amount of extremist settlers on the Golan heights and West Bank by 2027

  • Israel's war machine has targeted and killed 7 aid workers.  Also killed was a Palestinian driver and interpreter.  Via The Guardian.

  • A nuke armed Israel that is now acting like a rogue Fascist State, with a war machine that is now activated to take on multiple fronts, further isolating itself on the world stage.  Yet, its main supports that remain; America, Germany and U.K. who the Extreme Right Wing government of Israel may be banking on proto-fascist Trump to be re elected in November 2024, when 'neocon' Democratic, President Biden, will end up in the dustbin of history for signing off as America's first President to accept and allow a genocide onto the Palestinian population.  While all said Western countries are now swinging further to the Right, as they may allow Israel to attempt at Middle Eastern regime change through Total War theory.  The conquest and colonization aspects of warfare are beginning to return as an antiquated foreign policy.  Israel strikes Iran embassy in Damascus, Syria. Via Reuters:



  • As Israel is not abiding by the UN ceasefire ruling and is moment away from entering the densely populated Rahfa in Southern Gaza, bordering with Egypt.  The maniacal Fascist State risks commiting to Three warfronts on its border with: Lebanon, Syria and Yemen Houthis blockading the Red Sea, all the while maintaining their genocide onto the Gaza population.  In the meantime,  Biden has approved a million dollar plus arms packaged for Israel to kill more Gaza children, and rearm for its next war.  
  • Yoav Gallant, Israel's defense minister, who the Biden administration is trying to gauge would be a possible moderate Israeli Prime Minister, as opposed to the current one, that being Benjamin "War criminal" Netanyahu.  Problem is, Gallant is a war criminal too.  And with Gallant's Total war of annihilation on Gaza, the Fascist playbook on war has been activated.  Gallant, who has wanted to attack deeper into Syria and Lebanon earlier on with his genocidal invasion of Gaza, by preemptively destroying Iranian militias there. Is now threatening to open up a Three warfronts, not including Yemen, on Israel.  Will America been dragged into Israel's Total War on the Middle East?  Or supply more weapons and bombs for Israel's now maniacal warmachine that is out of control.  A key note here, is that Israel would commit to 24 aerial bombardments without surgical strikes, then massive ground troop incursions.  


  • Large anti-Israel protests in Jordan, ahead of Israel's maniacal push into invading the densely populated Rafha, south of Gaza.  Can the U.S., UK and Germany convince Israel to hold off?  If Israel is allowed to commit further genocide with their planned attack onto Rafha, there could be widespread anger and violence directed at Israel by surrounding Middle Eastern countries.  


  • Israel's crackpot army of revenge driven, poorly trained conscripts, who have been ordered to ethnic cleanse Gaza.  To which the extreme Right Wing government of Israel sees all Palestinians as legitimate targets, decrees once again more evidence of its war crimes. The killing of unarmed Palestinians waving a white flag.  Via Al Jazeera 

  • If Israel doesn't abide to the U.N. ceasefire resolution of its blatant ethnic cleansing, war crimes and genocide of the Palestinian Gaza, it appears that Hezbollah and the Yemen Houthis will go all out war on the Fascist State.  Not an ideal situation.  Yet, the U.S (whose Middle Eastern policy is all but gone), UK (leaning further to the Right, in preparation for Trump 2024?) and Germany (also sliding more towards the Right) are dragging their feet in reigning in Israel's Total war and annihilation of Gaza. 


  • Despite the U.N. resolution for a ceasefire, Israel continues its Total war campaign of genocide onto the Palestinian population of Gaza.  What sort of intervention will occur next to stop this Fascist state?

  • Have Western compliance, assistance and disinterest in the genocide onto the Palestinians by Israel's total war on Gaza; opened up an Extremist vacuum once again?  Was the Russian/Moscow terror attack a test run?  France and Germany have upped their 'imminent 'threat levels. 
  • With a ceasefire now passed through the U.N. and the US, allowed it to go through, next step open up all aid land corridors into Gaza, to feed (not *miscalculated or sloppy airdrops into the sea) and assist the starving and dying population .  And cease all weapon sales and military aid to Israel.  The 'Israel's right to defend itself' genocidal  justification has worn thin by President Biden's warmonger administration, with over 13000 Palestinian children killed by Israel.
*The airdrop was U.K.'s first aid delivery to the besieged Palestinian City.  Most of it ended up in the sea.
  • A majority ceasefire resolution has been passed by the U.N., to rein in Israel's genocide on Gaza with the US not vetoing it, yet it abstained.  



  • Report from Al Jazeera, documenting the Western countries, mainly the U.S., Germany and UK, supplying weapons and military technology to Israel in their Total war and genocide onto the Gaza population.


  • More militarist technocrat speak, as Gaza is on the verge of widespread famine via Israel's Total war on the Palestinian population, sanctioned and allowed by Germany, America and the U.K.  Not seen since World War Two.  And the speak comes from warmonger of the idiocy, Antony Blinken and career U.K. conservative politician David Cameron, as follows:  Blinken, known for his nonsensical word play, which, yes, makes less and less sense everyday, had this to say in lieu of his 6th visit to the Middle East, since Israel's maniacal invasion of Gaza, "...discuss the right architecture for lasting regional peace."  And on Israel's war crime of using famine as a weapon, he downplays "famine": with "food insecurity".  Cameron, who sides with Israel's leader Benjamin Netanyahu's fascist war theory, of eliminating all of Hamas.  Says, "...we’ve got to get Hamas leaders out of Gaza, we have to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure.  Which, despite the hyperreal technocrat wording, will be impossible unless a large portion of the Gaza population is killed.  So, no U.N. resolution for a ceasefire as yet, just Biden and his merry gang of Right leaning militarist inspired Democrats vetoing everything.  In the meantime Germany, America and the U.K. are arming and rearming Israel (for their next war, i.e. Lebanon) and talking and walking around in circles.   13000 Gaza children have been killed by Israel since their invasion of Gaza city.


  • Israel is finally showing what a Fascist State looks like in the 21st Century, which has been allowed to fester for may decades under American support, mostly from neocon Right Wingers to keep a nuke armed Israel well prepared militarily and ready to wage a war against Iran, all the while Israel's oppression onto the Palestinian population, which has been also allowed to fester, has created a cycle of hatred that is never ending.  Sans the current extreme Right Wing government of Israel, now committing widespread genocide onto the Gaza population, in its Fascist solution akin to Mussolini's inspired "Mare Nostrum(My Sea) as a colonization land grab.  But, as the Israeli war machine is now in overdrive from its genocidal Gaza invasion, they are going to have to build a bigger army of poorly trained conscripts if they wish to march into Lebanon next. Hence, why the Fascist state is now infringing on the religious freedom of ultra-orthodox Jews, who were exempt from military service.   


  • As the West, which arms and supports Israel's Genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza, are trying to convince Benjamin 'War Criminal' Netanyahu in a light on manner, to avoid launching an offensive into the densely populated Rahfa of Gaza.  Where most of the Gaza residents are residing.  Yet, Israeli war crimes, and ethnic cleansing by a poorly trained, crackpot army of revenge driven conscripts who have bombed, killed indiscriminately over 13000 children, and looted their way throughout Gaza city on their way in moving all of the Gaza population out of the strip into Egypt.  Say, that they cannot 'lose their war' of genocide.  President Biden has reiterated that Israel will cross a "red line" if the Israeli war machine does begin their offensive into Rahfa.  And if Germany, including France and the U.S. cannot place harsher sanctions on Netanyahu's government, cut all military aid and funding to that Fascist state, then the other red line on Israel will be Hezbollah's from Lebanon.  Of course, Biden's and the EU/UK foreign policy in the region is an utter mess, assuming in its strange diplomacy that there are separate wars being waged, when the Houthis in Yemen and Lebanon's Hezbollah are fighting in solidarity with the Palestinians.  Whether Right or wrong, it is all connected to Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.  Time to reign in Israel.  Can the West do it before all out war?
