"2 of Disks. Change." THOTH TAROT CARD and "3 of Cups. Abundance" THOTH TAROT CARD: READING/s. These cards were pulled as a double reading. The Order of the reading is from left to right.
"2 of Disks. Change."
One of Aleister Crowley's (d1947) more serene and simplistic cards, which has a straightforward and purposeful message. Although, structured around Crowley's, at times, Far Right leaning conservative beliefs that "Change" supports "Stability", when instability actually creates change. One must be reminded, Crowley passed away a decade before the extremely important counterculture movements of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s began: Beatniks, Hippies, human/animal rights, environmental movements, sexual liberation and the freedom to choose your lifestyle, mixed with hedonism, which could be argued was akin (without being overly conscious of it) to the spiritual practises of sexual meditation and antinomianism. However, Crowley was part of the 1900s 'New Age' movements, which had affiliations with Proto-Fascism of the 1920s, and forumulated aspects of early conspiracy theories that an unstructured society is a threat to human progression. So, it is interesting to view the "2 of Disks. Change." as a hippie-esque type card, however it would be more attuned to 1960s styled occultism, of fusing the Eastern and Western esoteric, into a sibyl inspired reading. From the Book of Thoth, Crowley offers clues to the card, that it represents Earthy wisdom, reflecting the 2 of the Chokmah (Tree of Life) from the Qabalah. Which in turn tries to hold its balance between the stability of Jupiter, the upper part of the card, and the lower Capricornus, Pan the unruly horned goat. Also note, Crowley's interest in Chinese Taoism, with the Yin and Yang symbols, intertwined with a crowned snake in its number 8 configuration, consuming its own tail, indicating the infinity of the Universe.
Let chaos bring in change, finding order through meditation. Above is the stability of the planet Jupiter, the behemoth and its gravity, protecting the wisdom of the Earthly realm, from cosmic destruction; the remnants of dead planets. Pan and the Capricornus maybe the god of the wild, but its mistrief offers a reprieve from the mundane, be it that stability is the opposite of change. And change is what we require. Balance is the harmony of the infinite, the number 8. Yet, we are of the finite, so change will originate from the self, and will end with the self.
After the reading of XVIII "The Moon" of the Thoth Tarot, and being aware of Aleister Crowley's (d1947) topsy turvy interpretation of his own cards, which stipulates to me, a bipolar disposition. I tried to align the Thoth Tarot readings to my own interpretation, and meaning. As his "Book of the Thoth" is as disjointed as you would expect, in trying to decipher in most cases Crowley's rambling dialogue. But, this would be an unfair critique of the late occultist, as Crowley was actually a very established writer and prolific in his creativity, albeit when it was in clearer form. For a better understanding of my analysis of Crowley please refer to the 'V "The Hierophant" analysis and reading',
"3 of Cups, Abundance" Reading:
Do you know your Qabalah? The Tree of Life of Jewish mysticism. Three of Cups is Abundance, she sits within the Waters of the Binah, the Third Sephira of the Qabalah. It is the feminine, in all its wisdom, she alone personifies the mystique. And let it be known that the feminine, like the masculine hold no form. You are neither, while you are both. Embrace this awareness, and let go of the knowledge there is male and female, as they are just material in creation. Binah, is the feminine of understating, one must nurture its divine intuition. For the oracle is always the feminine, the masculine is of the choice taken. So, the Binah must be balanced, as the Three Cups represent, all perched in harmony. Yes, the pomegranate seeds show fertility, but also they are the symbolism of blood and death. However, view the waters, as they flow down over the crimson seeds, purified by the Lotus Flowers. This is enlightenment offered, to be reborn into one day, and abundance it may seem. It will only be for a moment in time. Don't be afraid, rejoice.
(A.Glass 2023, 2024, 2025)
All Thoth Tarot readings to date: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
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