A military incursion on Taiwan by China imminent? (Update 21) *South China Sea/Taiwan Strait Tensions*

4/10/2023.  Report from Japan Times, that China may blockade Taiwan rather than invade it.


CBC report on Taiwan's civil defense corps on a looming attack from China.

18/09/2023. China sends out 103 military planes in and around Taiwan.  Largest show of strength from China for 2023:  apnews.com/article/taiwan-china-flights-b8a78493341bd3af15f4fd58be692e4d

12/09/2023: Taiwan detects 39 Chinese warplanes and the aircraft carrier Shandong, after the USS Ralph Johnson and HMCS Ottawa passes through the Taiwan Strait:  voanews.com/a/taiwan-detects-39-chinese-warplanes-carrier/7262718.html  

(Image:  USS Ralph Johnson.  Taiwan Strait 2023)


29/08/2023:  Japan scrambles fighter jets to interpret a Chinese BZK-005 high altitude drone, flying between Yonaguni Island and Tawain.  reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-scrambles-jet-monitor-chinese-military-drone-near-taiwan-2023-08-28

(Image:  Chinese BZK-005.  Wikicommons 2013)


(Japanese Defense Forces image [2022].  Similar incident in August 2022 is of the same Chinese drone)


19/08/2023:  China sends warships and planes in and around Taiwan's maritime borders, as Taiwan Vice President William Lai returns from visiting the U.S. and South America: aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/19/china-launches-military-drills-in-stern-warning-to-taiwan-after-us-visit

24/07/2023:  China sends a more than average stream of fighters and bombers towards Taiwan.  


14/07/2023:  A U.S. spyplane tracked by the Chinese Navy within the Taiwan Strait.  Issues protest:  news.usni.org/2023/07/13/china-protests-u-s-navy-p-8-flight-over-taiwan-strait


13/07/2023:  U.S. military resupply drills within the Pacific in ready for a conflict with China within the next two years: 


28/06/2023:  Russian warships in an unusual presence are seen nearing Taiwan territorial waters reuters.com/world/taiwan-says-it-spots-two-russian-warships-off-its-east-coast-2023-06-27/


21/06/2023: President Biden calls Chinese President Xi a dictator:  reuters.com/world/biden-calls-chinese-president-xi-dictator-2023-06-21/







