Thomas Demand

(Taken recently at an exhibition in Melbourne, Australia)

A perfect conceptual take on modernism, staging and setting up photos in studio's of various subjects.  For me, when I look at Demand's work - I see a prefabricated view of reality, he creates a 3D model (scaled from various measurements) to look like reality.  With it's toy like feel, a movie or production setting overlapped with a cleanliness to his images, apart from the scaled toy viewpoint - there is a dreamlike setting, a real and unreal world.  A paradoxical interpretation of our reality.

My work is a flip-side to Demand's work, where I take our reality and make it model like, unreal, dreamlike.  I use the setting that is here, current, no models or creations to emulate this reality.  Just reality that emulates the model.  Break it down, make it look pliable, brittle, prefabricated.
