A.Glass updates and insight (61)

1970s Sci-fiction Cover art. 
Once wrote a book review (high school) by just looking at the front cover and reading the synopsis, I didn't even read the book (not the above book).

The year is nearly done, in retrospect it could be deemed a year of aircraft disasters, Cold Wars part 2 via European/Middle East proxy wars, with Ebola sprinkled on top, neatly packed onto economic malaise. Correct?  Some movers and shakers but nothing ground breaking ala pop culture, movies, books or otherwise.  Some things stuck, most slid.  Just the way it seemed.  Anyway, getting very excited on my upcoming release: When Time Ends, the Seasons Begin, the due date is for the 25th October 2014.

Two new art pieces will be framed end year, my interest is more toward creating alien architecture and/or archaeological structure.  My reasoning for this is, that the sooner we look outside our direness, the better it will be humanity.  Time to expand the human creativity and ingenuity.  My call for 2015 is that scientists will work double time, to try and find something, anything to removed our transfixed desire of self-annihilation. This is most likely achieved by looking at the stars, the universe and everything else in between.  Do we need saving?  Religion is a scourge, a controlling force perpetrated by madman.  No, something else, something to motivate the potential of the human race...
