Black Holes

(The Whirlpool Galaxy Messier 51a, M51a, and NGC 5194. In both color enhanced and infrared images.  The core lies a super massive black hole.  Creating the Whirlpool spirals of stars, planets, interstellar dust and light )

I have always been fascinated by the idea within physics of Black Holes, equations that began with General Relativity in which Einstein himself thought was an absurd concept of the Universe.  A collapsed star that has punctured through Space-time, creating an extreme singularity that not even light can escape while rupturing space-time itself.  Distorting all known physics.  The ultimate destroyer.  Which, later physicists would add too quantum and relativity calculations that matter eventually could all be lost within the darkness of a black hole, with later theories assuming that it could be stored at the black hole's event horizon.  The reality is, to what is known about theses entities, once matter enters its core of singularity.  It does not come back.  Maybe it is transported to another Universe.   Reconfigured into a new dynamic, a new reality.   
