Sex and the Universe

"...Dilem grips onto his shoulders, lifting herself up to the man's chest.  She looks again at the neon lit areas within the darkness of the city.  In a microsecond of thought she recollects an image, of two lovers fucking inside a Bangkok apartment, their heaving and frantic sex caught on a viewing portal and beamed onto the global data-sync networks, just before a meteorite hit the city, a small one, but big enough to destroy a large portion of the Thai capital.  Its destruction of the vastly populated apartment buildings, killing hundreds of people.  In an instant, in that moment of pleasure, there is a bright flash seen from the outside, from the apartment windows.  Like the sun exploded.  Then nothing, the footage goes blank.  But what resonates in Dilem's thoughts of those reflected images replaying in her mind, was the urgency, the intensity of the love making.  They didn't stop for the end of the world.  She is aroused by that image, sex before the death." 

(Excerpt from Paradox of the Locus.  Adrian Glass 2016)

I always combined sex and science, more so physics and the Universe to counteract within the predicaments of our reality.  As the late and great JG Ballard once said, "Science is the ultimate pornography, analytic activity whose main aim is to isolate objects or events from their contexts in time and space...".   A dichotomy of fascination, that from infinite Universal points of the mysterious to the most intimate of act between two people.  That, as mentioned, is a combination of pleasure, creation and destruction.  The cosmos, is, if we look at it from an observable perspective - is an encroaching weight against the Earth, as we lie within this realm of insignificance, is needed to remove some of the clinical scientific equations, which, in their relevance and complexity allow humanity to attach a significance of knowledge.  So we may not feel this pending insignificance.  However the Universe holds a cold (despite its mass of stars) irony.  It is an unforgiving environment for life.  So far, there has been none detected, not even on the surface of Mars, that may have once harbored primitive life.  It is not to say life does not exist, it is just that life would have a hard time existing in this harsh cosmic infinity which is filled with ultra violent radiation, gamma ray busts, comets, asteroids and Black Holes.  All intended, with out a predetermined reason, to eradicate life.  It then becomes an urgency to either see humanity as an instant in time or a continuum, to enjoy the pleasures manifested within us - as it is all we have.  To live in these moments of intimacy.  Sex, holds that defining embrace even though it is fleeting - a necessitation and rebellion of what is imposed on humanity from an expanding and paradoxically constricting Universe.
