Moncler 5 Craig Green (overview). RTW Spring 2019 – Milan Fashion Week

(Images from and and the public domain. All rights. Used in promotion of the designer.)

Moncler, under the creative direction of Remo Ruffini, maintains (for Milan Fashion Week) the artistic installation of Moncler's collaboration with various designers, titled numerically from 1 to 7 with the Moncler heading in conjunction with the said designer. This Moncler overview is for the designer Craig Green (Moncler 5)

Being an admirer of Craig Green's previous collections under his signature brand.  I am fascinated by  Green's take on combining imaginative form within fashion as a very unique and creative array. Redesigning aesthetics so they fit around concepts in which the designer has an affinity  with, or at least a projection, in my opinion, of humanist symbolism with a spiritual slant. That is what I perceive from his collections. Which I have found inspiring as key aspects of a fashion designer working within artistic concepts.  Please refer to my previous reviews of his past shows. 

For Green's Moncler collection once again he portrays the pseudo cult persona of the human temple. Symmetrical tent like fixtures, beautifully lined and detailed as protective clothing. Against the ferocity of the changing environment. Nature can recalibrate or re-balance itself as a self correcting entity without thinking of humanity, as we do not exist under its auspiciousnesses.  In this process of  natural change (either accelerated by human industries or the cycles of climate) we could become extinct. Stylized ceremonial pieces of philosophical sects, as testament to human adaption, maintaining the consonance of man’s (and woman's) ability to endure and overcome. To conquer and survive.
