COVID-19 virus inadvertently clears the skies of China

(Image: NASA Earth Observatory)

As discussed in Doomsday Structures (Part 10) - Cities of the Underworld. Structural inversion, after the September 11th attacks on New York City in 2001, the condensation (con) trails cleared significantly over the New York State area and temperatures began to simultaneously drop, on the theory which was tested at the time, that contrails trap warm air and lead to an increase in overall cloud cover – a symptom of carbon emissions.

With the viral outbreak COVID-19 that began within mainland China, the Chinese government tried to stem the outbreak of the disease, effectively shutting down vast amounts of their factories, which on the most part still rely on coal fire energy.  In a recent image from the NASA Earth Observatory, it has shown, due to the economic slow down in China, of a dramatic decease in Nitrogen dioxide emissions, which also contribute to global warming.   
