Born Fatale is the Femme (FIEKE WOLF) "THE PRAXIS CONTINUUM" - Adrian Glass 2018

When I created the character FIEKE WOLF in 2010, it was to me, at the time, a fitting idealistic conception which represented a unique sociopath. Within her version of a moral standing, as it is Fieke's view of reality that lies between two worlds, her world and the one that we reside in. Which, in my opinion, reflects the identification and characteristics of people within society that have been shaped a certain way whether that be of a natural and/or culture occurrence. A sociopath is not a psychopath.  An important definition.  However, she is a killer. As it is that gray area, which is pressed upon within popular culture, that being the antihero or vigilante. It is that person, male or female who exists inside this aperture between these two worlds, which collide in dramatic events. Therefor it became the groundwork for my fascination of this particular theme that I based my 2010 self titled novel around, over eight years ago. To have her return in 2014 as a short story in my collection of short-stories "When Time Ends, The Seasons Begin". Developing layers onto its varied complexity set the background of characters and history that all resonate within present time. The future does not exist, as in Fieke's world, there is only time that manifests, which is viewed in a now perspective. Paradoxically, it is the past from all of its erosion that also shapes time. In turn developing a character that is tuned purely into survival. As death lurks ever closer.

Fieke Wolf returns in the story "Born Fatale is the Femme" from THE PRAXIS CONTINUUM out now on Amazon 
