First ever image of a Black Hole: Galaxy M87

One cannot but be fascinated by Black Holes, described in Einstein's General Relativity, which entails that a compressed stella object, when it collapses, violently, into the fabric of Space-Time.  It then evolves into a point singularity of densely contained mass, becoming what we now know as a Black Hole.  Its gravity pull so great not even light can escape.  A pierced juncture into the very fabric of Space-Time, which lies at the centre of every Galaxy.  Except Einstein didn't believe they should exist, he saw them as an absurdity within his GR calculations of the infinite collapse of a massive star, that in turn sets in place the creation of a “Schwarzchild singularity"(named after Karl Schwarzchild the German physicist).  An event horizon of hot gasses (matter and light) as they are pulled into its spherical radius.  To a point of no return.

Black Holes very much exist as we now have an incredible image of a Black Hole devised by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) global  array, within the centre of the massive ellictacal galaxy M87.  A galaxy that holds over a trillion stars and is 120,000 light years in diameter.  So, in turn the back hole at its core is also massive, measured by x-ray emissions and a stream of plasma injected by its consumption of matter that spans over 5000 light years from the core of the M87.  It truly is a monster at 23.6 billion miles (38 billion kilometers) across within its spherical abyss, it would swallow and destroy our whole solar system  sun and all - like small grains of sand.
