“...This virusthat has changed us all.” Straightening out her blazer, she checks her appearance in the mirror once more, making her way back to the trading floor. Feeling her pulse rate lower and a calm feeling, without feeling drowsy she eyes her desk with her male work colleague sitting on the opposite side, staring at her thin curved monitor.
The Algos have locked in three buy orders for you.”
Delante sits down, checking the orders on her screen. “Thanks. Alright, lets see what we've got,” Delante replies, as she checks through the various orders.
You going out tonight,” the man asks in a curious, yet arrogant manner.
How's your wife Kane?”
Now, now...Just asking.”
Maybe...” Delante replies, as she sees two orders remaining, with one that has withdrawn their bid. She looks at the order readout. “Intra-Planetary Exports” which has triggered a memory of a few years ago, as one of the company astronaut'was her lover. She stares at the logo of the company, the astronaut was killed in an off-planetary mining expedition two years ago, a geyser from the Saturn moon Enceladus destroyed the orbiting station he was aboard which was monitoring robotic mining equipment, whilst the ship was in orbit around the ice moon. She remembers seeing footage of these pressure building jets of water and steam, discharge up from beneath the icy tectonic plates of these moons that revolve around the gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.
Delante closes her eyes, visualizing his ejaculating penis, with its powerful wards of semen spurting upward into space.
