Reading: "Rituals of the Antithetical" from the novel RITUALS OF THE ANTITHETICAL (A.Glass 2023)


After Forty Two years, scientists around the world are no closer in deciphering the second Extraterrestrial message received in Nineteen Eighty One. When the first signal, called WOW! was discovered in Nineteen Seventy Seven, there was a code within the sequence of numbers and letters, which was shown to be a date and year for the next message, that being August 31st Nineteen Eighty One. It has been surmised by astronomers who are part of the international study group assigned by a United Nations directive, to understand what the alien message means, that the actual message is vastly complex than the first received message in Nineteen Seventy Seven…”
Drying her hair, Diarmid watches the news report. “Will they ever decipher that fucking message?”
Walking towards the kitchen, she checks her pager for any new messages. Seeing that there are none received. Diarmid places the pager back down onto the black and gray granite bench top, it suddenly vibrates. She lifts it up, checking the message received from Johanna.
Hey Aria, finished work early today. What you doing? Wanna meet?
Diarmid types back.
Yes! Would love too. Have a place in mind?”
Standing naked in front of the sink, she pours herself a glass of water. The pager vibrates again. Drinking from the glass, eyeing the pager she lifts it with her left hand.
I do. Very cool bookshop/bar/lounge on Pine Street, Manhattan. You’ll love it.
Placing the glass back down onto the bench top, resting the pager in her open fingers, with both her thumbs she taps the small keyboard.
We’ll do the sunset. Send address.”
Ok! Sending through now.
Feeling the pager vibrate against her fingers, the screen light up briefly, as Johanna sends through the address.
Sixish?” Diarmid types her reply.
Yep. See you then...Love Johanna
Setting the pager back down, Diarmid runs both her hands through her hair, leaning her head back slightly. “Love to fuck her tonight, but still have my period. See what happens.” She says to herself, walking to her bedroom.

Reading:  "Rituals of the Antithetical" from the novel RITUALS OF THE ANTITHETICAL (A.Glass 2023)
