III "The Empress" THOTH TAROT CARD and "Knight of Swords" THOTH TAROT CARD: READING/s. These cards were pulled as a double reading, as a single card has been read in past tarot readings on chiasmus. The Order of the reading is from left to right.
"The Empress", III of the Major Arcana and one of the most beautifully defined cards of the Thoth Tarot, and certainly one of the less confronting and occultish. Which offers an insight into Crowley's philosophical template towards the feminine, without reading into it too much. He does see, maybe in his own mind, the contradictions of the feminine to the masculine and how it related to his merging of esoterica studies from the East and West. And The Empress card, with his interpretation from The Book of The Thoth, attempts to do away with these contradictions and over focalized representations of duality, rather he deemed this card as symbolism of "Love."
As mentioned in my previous Thoth card studies, is Crowley's constant attachment to Qabalah and Egyptian esoterism as template to his Thelma region. Indicative, of how much medieval Jewish mystics had on the 15th Century alchemists, and the beginning of Hermetism as a philosophical foundry throughout Europe and England, to which Crowley was heavily influenced by. So, the variant infusions of Crowely's esoteric can at times seem like an ad hoc display on the Thoth cards, whilst being defined by Crowley's creative impression. Yet, if you strip back some of the reasoning of Crowley's decree that the card represents Love, to which Crowley said, in relation to 'The Empress', "This is the Harmony of the Universe, that Love unites the Will to create with the Understanding of that Creation: understand thou thine own Will. Love and let love. Rejoice in every shape of love, and get thy rapture and thy nourishment thereof", further clues are revealed.
Thoth's The Empress card, in lieu of other Major Arcana cards, holds an overall simplicity in its aesthetics. The delicate line and textured art by Lady Frieda Harris (d1962) gives it a subtly and gentle appearance, which is what Crowley had intended for the card to be. As is the symbolism, and as mentioned, is not as confronting or harsh as the other Thoth cards. The Pelican at the bottom left of the card, which has it roots in Christian iconography, as symbolism of redemption. Piecing its chest with its peak to feed its young, note the chicks looking up at the mother. From by Psalm 102: "Similis factus sum pellicamo" (I am become like the pelican in the wilderness) and more importantly in Christian ethos Corpus Christi or Body [Blood] of Christ. Which I have noticed with Crowley's Thoth Tarot, despite the occult overture, there is, at times Christian elements throughout, more so Gnostic in its representation. The White Eagles of the shield are from Crowley's homage to Middle Ages alchemy, the visual and verbal code for sal ammoniac or salt. And The Book of The Thoth, Crowley elaborates that The Empress card, as a feminine symbolism is the conjuring of salt, which in mythology of pre-Christian religions, represent a goddess of the the sea. That we were derived from salt.
The two birds perched either side of The Empress are of a Sparrow (left) and a Dove (right), representing the Roman poets Catullus and Martial, which would very much align with Crowley's classical educational and an interesting overlay to his occultist foundation. However, they do seem out of place. Nevertheless, the Sparrow and Dove in Greek mythology represent Love, further instilling the softness of The Empress card. Other symbolism on the card, portraying the desired passiveness of Crowley's feminine, are the Lotus flower, the fleurs-de-lys, Bees and astrological symbols. As The Empress sits in front of the Door of heaven, hence the Hebrew letter Daleth ( bottom left), meaning door and on the right the symbol of Venus, once gain as noted throughout the Thoth cards, Crowley's fascination of the feminine.
Crowley's duality and contradictions of femininity can be irritating and certainly outdated. He did claim, from The book of the Thoth that The Empress is, ."..no contradiction; such opposition as there seems to be is only the opposition necessary to balance". Which falls into most monotheistic religious beliefs, that the feminine must be balanced under the eyes of God, while in a rather spiteful manner, Crowley's sexist analysis of women, from The Book of The Thoth where he claims, "Many-throned, many-minded, many-wiled, daughter of Zeus, as the unruly female.
As opposed to the Rider-Waite "The Empress", she is powerfully represented as a strong willed creator.
The "Night of Swords" is another Proto-Fascist inspired card of the Thoth Tarot, as discussed with my study and readings of Aleister Crowley's (d1947) Far Right inclinations of the Thoth Tarot cards. The blatant militarism and 'Peace Through Strength' ethos is evident throughout the more aggressive cards and his own interpretations. And it has to be reminded that Crowley was very much a representation of his era, and so was Lady Frieda Harris (d1962), who was influenced by the Italian Futurist art movements. Considering the Thoth Tarot cards were derived in 1937, when Benito Mussolini was wooing everyone with his branded Fascist politics, which was more or less a modernised version of Colonialism, as a way of preserving Western cultural idealism that was seen as being under threat by 'foreigners'. 1920s and 1930s Fascism attracted artists/writers/poets, including early manifestations of New Age 'health' proponents, through to Jewish Zionists, with occultism also viewing Fascism as a renewed perspective by utilizing militarist structure within their secret societies. Crowley offers this balant clue to the Night of Swords dramatic imagery, "The Knight of Swords represents the fiery part of Air; he is the wind, the storm. He represents the violent power of motion applied to an apparently manageable element. He rules from the 21st degree of Taurus to the 20th degree of Gemini. He is a warrior helmed, and for his crest he bears a revolving wing. Mounted upon a maddened steed, he drives down the Heavens, the Spirit of the Tempest. In one hand is a sword, in the other a poniard. He represents the idea of attack. The moral qualities of a person thus indicated are activity and skill, subtlety and cleverness. He is fierce, delicate and courageous, but altogether the prey of his idea, which comes to him as an inspiration without reflection. If ill-dignified, the vigour in all these qualities being absent, he is incapable of decision or purpose. Any action that he takes is easily brushed aside by opposition. Inadequate violence spells futility. “Chimaera bombinans in vacuo”. With the last part of Crowley obvious interest in modern warfare, which would be pre-World War Two aerial dive bombers is written in latin, which translates to "A Chimera buzzing in a vacuum". Very Fascist propaganda batting of; do you have the strength to attack? Sounds like the populist political rhetoric of today, does it not? Yes, once again, I will redefine this card.
Do you want war? So be it, yet no war in history has been of a great achievement, to kill the other, as you believe that you will be killed is delusional. The birds of prey return to the battlefield and pick at the flesh of all that have perished, from foe and ally, death is all the same to them. The skeleton shows no difference, when the skin and organs dissipate. Frantic annihilation to purge, in search of the truth cannot be of the external. It must be internal. The true warrior, wars with the self to achieve ego death and then makes peace with the self. They look at the edge of destruction to heal. They do not look for healing through destruction outside from themselves. Be wary of the leader that says, 'We must kill them, before they kill us. Destroy to rebuild', he does not speak with rationale. How do you internalise war? Reverse the card, now see the knight moving upward, towards the heavens, into the self, as you are born from the elements, and if one is to face the natural construct, one does that in defiance. Yet, one does that alone. To cleanse yourself of hatred, aggression and destruction, if you survive, you may become anew. Powerful, focused. A warrior.
(A.Glass 2023, 2024)
All Thoth analysis and readings to date: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
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