Clarification of the meaning 'Post Empire'

The term 'Post Empire' was somewhat coined by author Brett Easton Ellis after the visual decay of popular culture aspects of Hollywood - that would be Martin Sheen's (in Ellis's opinion) preemptive revelation of the post empire world, or illusion of American popular culture.  Which is the representation of it's 'entertainment' industries.  Ellis then splits groups of pop culture icons into the "gets it" and "doesn't get it" crowd as the reflection of post empire grows.  However away form popular culture cesspools that boil to the surface after the pressure cooker blows (revealing the decay and the collapse of empire vanities),  America actually begin post empire prior to any pop culture precursors.  Most probably starting with the 2008 financial collapse, which was the end of financial illusion of the West, more so America.  The papering over of massive financial problems in the world, is what post empires do.  An attempt at trying to sugar coat the realities, in it's self, as history reveals, is a hopeless affair.

Author Emmaual Todd, pretty much worked out the post empire cues when he wrote After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order in 2002, in relation to post empire America. Of late, you can also add Europe (which he missed), is now heading into all out turmoil as it desperately tries to hold together a failed monetary system (European Union).  Other post empire characteristics are the 'emerging economies' such as Asia more so China and South America (Brazil), as rising economic, political problems begin to surface.

Thus 'Post Empire' becomes a global term.
