Comic book movies, reboot mania.

 Marvel's Marauders (villains) Art by Simon Bianch  

I am really looking forward to seeing Man of Steel, not so much the Superman ethos, in fact that rejected by humanity, apologist Christian slant makes me wince.  I'm more interested in the special effects and the fight scenes between 'super' powered characters.  But as Hollywood connects to the various studios and producers that are throwing millions into comic book movie adaptations. The comic book movie machine and constant reboots of already comic book adapted movies may start to wear thin.  So far, just a snippet of sentiment (or maybe more?), of the over inundation, with some reviews (Man of Steel) commenting about the over reliance of action sequences, minus establishing the characters, is now the forte (which may morph into a studio backlash thus becoming a weakness).  I don't like Zack Snyder as a director, 300 and The Watchmen showed ability to work the comic book imagery into movie form (relentless movement/effects) was commendable, but wasn't memorable and SuckerPunch was a dreadful movie (yes even Quentin Tarantino agreed.)  All and all you can see a director (Snyder) now fitting into the mold as a film maker that adapts comic books to film.  The question will be, is the trend sustainable? That being recycling characters from comic books, creating a film then rebooting the same franchise in two years after the production.

Maybe it's time for some originality. 


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