Deconstructivism building design in a 'post empire' world - China

It would be unwise to assume all is rosy in a 'post empire' world.  The grand designs of Deconstructivism Architecture maybe in the end, are the future pillars of urban decay in our not to distant future.  Attributed by the exorbitant costs of maintaining majority glass and porous structures plus financial end-games.

China is the most frightening country on the planet as far as the free world relying on China for it's economic prosperity.    Which is a fools paradise, as the Chinese ecomomy begins to implode, shown in an alarming event that has occurred recently (in relation to a China implosion); was the freeze in interbank money markets (SHIBOR).  Without going too much into the economic and financial rhetoric.  What that means when money market rates spike, particularly the SHIBOR rate, simply: China is running out of money.  The money markets that gauge Yuan (Chinese currency) are showing that confidence in the Chinese currency is plummeting, in other words anything financially orientated in China, mostly speculation in construction and buildings built on a debt mountain of loans - the lending market may be at the cusp of collapsing with an ocean of loans yet to be financed. 

refer to charts on SHIBOR:

What this all points to, as far as the over expectation of creating a Deconstructivism  (architectural) vision built on an wealth illusion, reinforces that illusion of exponential opportunities.  Using China as an example of overindulgent design and/or construction and adding the massive economic problems that country is now facing, the conclusions are all but inevitable

In saying that there are some amusing paradoxes (China), the architectural computer modelling - a Utopian, aesthetic based wonderland.  Replacing the handmade models, which held so much more of reality, even if degrees of surreality existed.  There is a distinction from the marvel of creating handmade models, compared to an imaginary digital land.  It's the foreground, any art created is at the mercy of it's environment.  The computer image, is always the same, the sky a beautiful blue, the overall atmosphere fresh, non threatening, clean.

 (A computer image of the The CCTV Headquarter, Beijing, China. Pre construction for the clients portfolio.)


The other is Orbos in China, the infamous ghost town.  A huge metropolis constructed, it's size roughly the same as Switzerland, with it's Deconstructivism inspired monument (pictured above), built to house Avant Garde art.  Apparently an empty shell, housing no art.   In it's self, the idea of an avant garde art gallery empty, is a surreal artistic statement.
