2019-nCov virus outbreak - China/World

(Image:  Wuhan's deserted streets and parks.  CNN January 2020)

In respect to the loved ones lost to the 2019-nCov virus that has spread rapidly throughout China. 

Without overly politicizing or being critical, one cannot ignore that of both China and the WHO with their tardiness in declaring this as a pandemic emergency in its early stages.  Has assited in dispersing the virus through out the world.  Due to the fact the the city of Wuhan has over 10 millions citizens at risk of being in contact with the contravirus.  A large industrialized city with its hi-tech manufacturing base, Wuhan also has a lot of invested joint European companies doing business within this city, more so French and Chinese partnerships.  One of the main Chinese cities that is also an international flight stopover for domestic planes flying onto Europe and the Middle East.  On a yearly average 15 million passengers pass through Wuhan annually.  As it was noted when foreign nationals returned from the Wuhan region in December 2019, they reported feeling sick once they arrived to their home countries. Which means that before the Chinese government began to isolate Wuhan on the 23th January 2020, tens of thousands of people left the region and traveled to other Chinese cities – and possibly back overseas.  The Chairperson of Hong Kong's public health association, recently estimated that the infection rate could be as high as 40,000, due to the lack of clarity of amongst Chinese authorities and the WHO maintaining a nonpartisan, in their fears of an economic panic, position in the early stages of the virus spreading.  Only to change their view at the 11th hour:  Declaring a a global health  Emergency on the 31th January 2020.

• It is spread via mucus from saliva, so the best way of protecting oneself is to wash hands regularly when in public areas and use a disinfectant hand wash constantly.  Do not touch eyes and the mouth. A medical mask if necessary, but to be effective a new mask should be worn everyday would be ideal, depending on the severalty of the viral outbreak. Governments rather than releasing new masks, would have people remain in doors. 

 • Symptoms such as cough, fever and sore throat in light of the pandemic, should go straight to a hospital for testing.  Isolation is the only way of dealing with the virus until a vaccine can be sort, which maybe months away.

 • At this point, the 2019-nCov virus does not show severe symptoms, apart from the first initial signs – cough, sore throat and fever, until a week to 2 week duration after infection, which at the final stages of the virus leading to can lead to a life threatening pneumonia.   

