Alien of the Anthropocentric

The desire to seek Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) has been a collective effort for last 90 years, since the 1920s when we scanned Mars for radio signals.  However searching for other intelligent life within the Universe, has heralded more false signals than not.  Often in a rash and in a lot cases maladroit ways; scientific papers have been released too early for their attention grabbing headlines, with a slew of general miscalculations from the many astrophysicists studying the cosmos. It has ensured that these 'findings' have been questioned thoroughly soon after a research paper has been released to the press.  Quickly being refuted to what may seem as a ground breaking discovery.  To the point SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has required a testing scale, before any paper can be published.  The Universe is full of radio signals, all, so far, are from natural occurrences be it; Exploding Neutron stars to Black Holes devouring an orbiting sun and the most simplest explanation, although not natural per se, is one of our satellites bouncing off a signal and reflecting it back to Earth. 

The closest signal that could be from an ETI was the “Wow signal” detected and received in 1977, however it wasn't ever repeated, thus the possibility of it being alien diminishes, yet in its tantalization of possibilities, the thought of it being alien in origin remains.  There is a new argument against searching for ETI in a traditional way, as a anthropocentric concept, has surfaced.  A philosophical idealism, that we should avoid the humancentric approach of assuming that aliens are like us.  This newer concept of calculating alien life within the Universe maybe a new and profound tool by removing the human factor.  What I find interesting in this current approach to the ETI dilemma, is that I've discussed this in my 2017 book CATACLYSMAL.  Even creating an art manifesto known as XENOSTRUCTUALISM, which queries the human viewpoint of looking at intelligent lifeforms to be like ourselves. 

So, maybe it is time for us to stop reflecting the human aspect in our search and study for alien life within the cosmos, which from a focus in its inventive rumination, we may devise a discipline from removing the anthropocentric out of the findings. This in turn could encourage the more creative and even philosophical to serve as a guide – that of course would be overviewed and scrutinized by the scientific.

