Radio Burst from a distant Galaxy: 16 day repeating pattern detected.

(Above image titled "The Beacon Hypothesis" was a concept art piece for the 2017 book CATACLYSMAL (Adrian Glass).  Visually representing the theory of repeating signals, as an orbiting beacon, from an Exterristaterial Intellegence.)

I have been writing about Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs ) for a number of years now, which is part of my fascination with the Universe and the vastness of its structure, with advancements in radio detecting technology of land based telescopes and the various satellites that orbit the Solar system.  Astrophysicists have made some amazing discoveries, proving Einstein's Theory of Relativity and more so elaborating on the unknowns of Quantum Physics.  Yet, the biggest mystery to date are these repeating FRB signals.  First discovered in 2007, no one knows their exact origin and purpose.  Theories range from Pulsars (magnetized spinning neutron stars), Black Holes devouring each other or a combination of a black hole swallowing up a neutron star.  One of the more exotic explaninations is what is known as a star quake, a Magnestar (an unstable neutron star) bursting open, revealing an extraordinary bright hyper flare. As the magnitude of illumosity from these FRBs, in its distance of millions and in some cases billions of light years away, in its very brief intensity - is equal to a whole life cycle of our sun's radiance. 

Just recently a paper has been released on the peer review portal, that has pinpointed that a repeating FRB burst discovered by a team of astronomers via checking over data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) observatory based in British Colombia.  The signal orignated from a Spiral Galaxy 500 million light years from our own Galaxy the Milky Way and for the first time a repeating patten has emerged that aligns within a periodic cycle of an exact 16 day count, when this FRB flashes on and off.  A total of 28 bursts were detected over its 16 day cycle. 

The paper is very scientific and astronomy based as you would expect, yet it also holds no overly speculating ideas apart from the possibility that the recurring FRB pattern, for the first time, could indicate an abnormality of the mentioned (natural) culprits.  Which have ended up creating a cyclical orbit around a massive object.  Thus, the precision of these 16 day cycle bursts could be explained 


 It could be aliens.       
