"...For Courrèges Pre-Fall 2024 collection, Di Felice drew on the late John Sutcliffe, who created the cult Fetish Magazine AtomAge, which was the stalwart leather, rubber and PVC fetishism magazine throughout the early 1970s and into the 1980s, until Sutcliffe was charged with obscenity, by the UK authorities in the mid 1980s.   And there maybe a slight contradiction to Courrèges statement of being free from being 'harnessed', as opposed to Di Felice's fetish imprint for his Pre-Fall stylisations.  

Yet, Di Felice latest array is not as risqué as it could be, however his fetish aspects are certainly there, from the latex, PVC and the eroticsim that is of the 'zipper'.  A mystique of what lies behind, is the lasting appeal that bodage wear holds for the individual, as a powerful metaphor of domination and protection of sexuality.  That both the feminine and masculine can hold equally within the sexual realm.  Also noted, are the tartan and denim throughout the collection, reflecting the late 1970s punk fascination with bondage as a fashionable imprint of a bygone counterculture. 

When all said and done, in its metaphor or otherwise.  Sex, at the end of the world, is actually very liberating."


Full review: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/04/courreges-pre-fall-2024.html  

(A.Glass 2024) 
