My commentary on Israel's Mare Nostrum ("Our Sea") rebuilding plans for Gaza, under Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu. And the actual 'plans' for Gaza in the post below, with its Fascist inspired comical (not intentionally) idealisms attached, that may not include Palestinians.



(Israeli air strikes on the Jabalia camp for Palestinian refugees, Gaza City 2024.  Credit:  AP 2024)

  • In the vein of what Mussolini attempted to try and achieve in the Mediterranean/Africa in the 1930s, re: Mare Nostrum ("Our Sea") Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu who has been able to rack up a kill rate of Tens of Thousands of Palestinian women and Children.  With plans to displace over a Million Palestinian refugees into Egypt, with they begin to implement his idealism of a complete Fascist takeover of the Gaza strip, which will, after it is rebuilt, cut Gaza off from Egypt, while absorbing the whole of the strip into Israel.  To be controlled, militarily by Israel (most probably with a large Israeli military base operating in Gaza).  All the while Western 'Right' leaning technocrats and militarists who have been complicit in this Genocide (by arming Israel), in redefining what "genocide" means and "ceasefire", by replacing these terms with self defence and humanitarian pauses, have rewritten the warfare manuals; haven't commented on Netanyahu's Mare Nostrums plan and are obviously warming to it.  And yet, President Biden who will, after Trump abonfired Fascist could be reelected in America, will go down in history as the a President who signed off on one of the worst Western sanctioned (or as the ICJ has decreed) "plausible" Genocides in recent history.

The above, is what I wrote in February 2024, and aware of the history of Fascism, particularly Italian Fascist ideas that originated around colonization and expansion under Benito Mussolini's Mare Nostrum ("Our Sea") policy of the 1930s to reshape the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East.  Israel, as a Zionist State, which is now a Fascist State, being 'governed' by one of the most extreme Right Wing governments in its short history. Lead by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has suppressed any liberalism and Left leaning elements of Israeli society, to be encompassed by judicial reform, limiting free speech, expansive militarism and Jewish 'evangelical' fundamentalism ala heavily armed "Settlers".

In May 2024, with the U.S. State Department sitting on the sidelines to Israel's genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians of Gaza, Israel's Prime Minister's office has put forth its 'rebuilding plan' for the Gaza strip.  And its is nothing short of a Fascist Utopia, controlled by Israel with a adhoc Palestinian Authority in conjunction with United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia offering the rebuilding and managing of the rebuilt strip.   There will be no Two State solution, instead Gaza will be a "massive Free Trade zone" with prime real estate with beach fronts, all supervised, probably militarily, by Israel.  Even suggesting a electrical car manufacturing plant, with solar panels everywhere.  But, no Palestinians.  Who will be forced into the Sinai Desert, possibly allowed to work in this Gaza 'Utopia'.  Fascism in the end, apart from its brutality, is comical.  Please refer to the AI rendered image (below) from the Prime Minister Office of Israel (Dated May 2024).   


For the full article, re:  Israel's Fascist Utopia rebuilding plans for the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian 'solution', please refer:
