Sunspot/s AR3663 and AR3664 on the southern side of the Sun, more specifically AR3664, has doubled in its size, which is now over 10 times the size of Earth. This sunspot can produce X-Class solar flares, and depending on their intensity and its position facing the Earth. It can knock out our satellites and electrical grids.


Image:  Infrared image of the Sun and Sunspots AR3663, upper right side and AR3664 (just below the middle part of the Sun).  As you can see both appear unstable and explosive.  They are also very large in size.  If these sunspots and the Earth were to align, and they shoot off a large dose of electromagnetic energy.  It'll fry Earth's electronics to a crisp. 


Please refer to my article "The Curse and Blessing of Solis"  (A.Glass 2020)
