7 of Cups "debauch" Thoth Tarot card: analysis and reading.
Do not overread the numbers Six and Seven, for they are just numbers, or both of the Prime and Composite, as we are born of the Six. The legs, arms, head and body. We are not born under rule, we are born to be free, and yet the child is born with an open mind. It does not see Debauch as wrong, nor does it see a weed any different than a flower. The 7 of Cups "Debauch" may represent Venus, the Morning Star, the brightest and most illuminated Star of the Seven planets. So, marvel at its defiance, as it brightness that evokes Freedom, yet it is so hostile, a poisonous planet. The Second closest planet to the Sun, which is both the creator and destroyer of life. Meditate on decay, before you know life, live Debauchery before Purity. Be imperfect, and be flawed. Redeem oneself, and be reborn. Know yourself, and live under no rule. And if it is, "I am That I Am", may indeed see the corruption, of its creation gone astray.
(A.Glass 2024)
All Thoth Tarot readings to date: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
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