A new star found: An unusual and strange phenomenon. Drops in luminosity that may indicate a Universal pattern.

(VVV-WIT-07.  Bottom right hand corner.   Dipped over 80% in luminosity)

Tabby Star also known as KIC (Kepler Input Catalog) 8462852. Which is a main sequence star categorized as a F-Type star, over 1.4 times larger and hotter than own Sun, through temperature discrepancies, Tabby Star emits a yellow white hue when observed by Space telescopes. In 2015, the mystery of the light dips caught the imagination of everyone, which fed back as a news item trend, particularly on a theory that the blinking on and off was caused by a massive alien space structure or Dyson Sphere.  A speculative concept of an alien engineering structure to encase the star to draw from its energy – presumably for its ever expansive civilization. Which I didn't buy as the reason, even it was the last on the list of possibilities.  Later in 2018, the alien structure was debunked (amongst other theories, comets etc) to be replaced by a fine rotating dust cloud, that has formed around the star.  Yet this still holds up very little proof as the groundbreaking answer to the mystery, as dust can be easily, via a star's gravity and radiation, become dispersed. The dips are far too dramatic to be just rotating clouds of dust. Unless it is a new type dense cosmic 'clumping' dust.  After a 100 years of viewing the light fluctuations, to have the dips exasperate in intensified measurements in the last twenty years means something is going on.  And we don't know exactly what.  In the meantime the sensationalism of Tabby's Star has fallen out of the news.  Until recently, a new star has been discovered which reflects the same characteristics as Tabby's star, know as WIT (What is this?)-07.

 From Scientific American:

Known as VVV-WIT-07, the star appears to be much older and redder than our sun, although the amount of interstellar dust between our solar system and the star’s home closer to the galactic center makes exact classification and distance measurements very difficult. What is certain is that in the summer of 2012, the object's brightness faded slightly for 11 days, then plummeted over the following 48 days, suggesting that something blocked more than three quarters of the star’s light streaming toward Earth. But what could that “something” be?

Its gotta big and as dense as hell.

"According to Eric Mamajek, an astrophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory unaffiliated with the VVV survey, such a profound degree of dimming suggests that a staggeringly large object or group of objects is blocking the light. “It's got to be over a million kilometers wide, and very dense to be able to block that much starlight,” he says. Mamajek should know: He led the team that discovered J1407, another strange star periodically eclipsed by a planet-sized object thought to boast a massive ring system some 200 times broader than that of Saturn. In this latest case, he says, the strange signals from VVV-WIT-07 could arise from clumps or clouds of material passing between Earth and the star, though he cautioned that the data were preliminary and more observations are required. 

 Tabetha Boyajian agrees. Boyajian, an astronomer at Louisiana State University, was the lead author for the 2015 paper announcing the strange dimming of KIC 8462852, also known as Tabby's Star, an unusual object first spotted by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. VVV-WIT-07 would have to harbor “a very peculiar kind of dust cloud to make these kinds of dips,” Boyajian says. Boyajian’s study helped spark a surge of public interest in Tabby’s Star because the star’s unusual dimming could be seen as evidence of an alien civilization building an artificial structure that soaked up the star’s light. More conventional explanations include a swarm of comets or fragments from a shattered planet, both of which would create significant clouds of dust and debris that could also occlude the star’s light. But, so far, no simple single explanation fits the complexities of the dimming seen around the star; researchers remain stymied in their attempts to understand the true nature of the strange dimming of Tabby’s Star."


Maybe huge alien satalites in a perpetual orbit.  Which do not emit a signal.  Just ancient relics of a billion year old adavaced civilization. That may have transcended into space and time.  What is left behind.
