Vera Wang Fall 2019 RTW – New York Fashion Week (overview)

(Images from and The public domain. All rights. Used in promotion of the designer.)

Vera Wang has delivered a stunning Read-to-Wear collection for her fall 2019 showing.  Not shying away from the plaid, blazer and suit styles reworked into street style fashion which has become the stalwart trend of 2019.  Wang has explored the Celtic weaved and pattern work, more so the tartan styles to accentuate the other trend that have become another focused impression from the 2017, 2018 seasons. Which is the early 1980s evening wear.  An ornamented combination of plaid and tartan work, intertwined with the power 'sex' formal wear and mini skirt styles of 30ys ago.  A fusion of Celtic mysticism, 80s city nightlife and cocktails.  As a take on two styles, one seeped in romanticism of the past, the other embracing its hedonistic roots.  Both, as a unique contemporary style, work well together. 

Mostly wool embellishments, beautifully draped and stylized over sheer fabric and ornamental Celtic designs. Disco glitter and tartan, overlaid with lace.  Flowing avant garde style suits pants, leggings, thigh high tights and tulle silhouettes. Sex appeal, sophisticated, rebellion and intelligence. 

The color palette ranges from traditional Celtic grays, dark blues, black and white lace, silver and gold, pattern work and with its infused emblematic spectrum.

An amazingly original and very distinct collection from Vera Wang.
