Iris van Herpen. Couture 2020 - Paris Fashion Week

Images from the designer and the public domain. Credited to the photographer/company where applicable:

For the London fashion magazine OVERDUE online blog, in a cross section of styles presented at the 2020 Golden Globes.  I picked out 6 of the best dressed (in my opinion), including, within my composite number selection, was a Iris van Herpen dress worn by Joey King.  Which, if you have been a keen observer of Paris Couture shows, would know, that Van Herpen has consistency presented her distinctive signature brand of 3D inspired dresses, with the finest hand and laser cuts to weave and create an arrangement of various flexible synthetic/natural materials.  

Under a technological philosophy of innovation and creativity.  There has always been a subtle argument between philosophers and scientists in its general study to distinguish if science could be considered a form of art, but while this empirical and logical discipline holds a blunt observation in its discoveries of the nature of reality, notoriously scientists, physicists and the like are hopeless at naming new discoveries.  The creative seems to stop at the principle and vice versa.  Van Herpen with her prowess of understanding science and the idealisms of human development, has attempted to bridge the sciences and its artforms through her beautifully coutured styles.  

Van Herpen for her 2020 Couture collection has studied the organisms of the sea, the intricate and symmetrical pattens of marine life which was one of her inspirations for the current styles on display.  The reflected aspect of biodiversity that holds the chemistry and photosynthesized blueprint of life, the shapes of nature – to which we are part of.  She has set a ethereal standard with this collection, imploring the artwork of neuroscientist Santiago Rámon y Cajal with his enhanced dendrite drawings enveloped onto her textured styles. The lavish and conceptional ideas layered within her 2020 collection is astoundingly striking to look at, the weaved silk and fixed concepts of her 3D printed clothing holds such a degree of perfection and skill.  Whilst keeping within its unison of nature as an inspiration from its designs and creations, that under its structure of everything, is flawless as a presence.  Yet creates with no idealism of its purpose.  Nature just exists. Van Herpen has offered a subtle and poignant imprint to her latest array, yet also projecting a forthright appeal, as the color palette, in is dream like apparitions, stays vibrant and intense.

A stunning collection.     
