Reading: "The Mind inside the World" from the novel PARADOX OF THE LOCUS (A.Glass 2016)



Thanks for the tea,” Dilem says, as she sips from the cup, her mild hallucinate trip is now fading. She smiles at the aging Professor who is sitting opposite her.

The debate on the networks, it was really interesting, you said some amazing stuff, I must admit a little over my head.”

Wasn't a debate as such, more of a discussion, different minds and theories. Not as heated as they were several years ago,” Professor Krulaz replies, referring to the early televised discussions after World War Three, which were a lot more emotionally charged. Descending into yelling matches between scientists, philosophers and other thinkers. The overhang of frustration that a devastating event like World War Three had occurred, the lessons that were never learned – an overall psychological weight that human nature may ultimately be a self destructing organism. However time heals, retrospection and calm thinking on those terrible events of the past have now become the focus. The acceptance of human flaws and the rebuilding of the human condition, in all its positive and progressive outlooks has now taken precedent. Although it is still early days, as the fractured and confused sentiments of society remain.

Do you believe in Ghosts?” Professor Krulaz asks, as he sits down opposite Dilem.

As in the dead?” She replies, her expression sincere.

A Phantasm, as in fragments of time and Space...Caught in realities...” Professor Krulaz lifts up a small device, its shape similar to the cell phones of yesteryear, a slender device. He looks at Dilem. “...Or more specifically a hologram.”

Dilem sits back into the chair as around her within the Professor's large apartment the lights dim. “Ok, heard of that...I mean, I have a hologram-message thing, but I don't use it much.”

A close friend of mine, who passed away two years ago, he was also Professor, but his knowledge and skills were of quantum computing, mathematics, more so of parallel dimensional and universal structures within computerized mainframes. We both developed a program, artificial intelligence, but we had to create a construct, structure, to develop and test the AI system. In an evolutionary sense, it failed, very technical...but if you can understand that it would be like creating all that you see around us instantly without the time for it to biologically and culturally evolve. It is an impossibility, we realized that, but, by error of design or an unconscious fluke something else occurred, we ended up creating a hologram. Not a new concept obviously, except we didn't intend for that to happen. Especially within a system that was a simulated universe…which was actually a dead realm. Or so we believed.”


Reading:  "The Mind inside the World"  from the novel PARADOX OF THE LOCUS (A.Glass 2016)
