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 For all previous posts, please refer:


  • The Fascist genocidal army of Israel rumbles on with its war crimes against thes Palestinians.  Supported and armed by the West, which is now stuck within a flux of Right Wing enthusiasm and neocon fervor, but ultimately walking around in diplomatic circles, which is astounding considering the seriousness of Two major proxy wars, and a Third, Israel attacking and invading Lebanon.  This current wave of Right leaning technocrats and militarists, who are at the cusp of being replaced with more extreme versions of themselves in both Europe and the U.S., if proto-fascist and criminal Donald Trump takes the White Houses once again.  Regardless, Biden will be thrown into the dustbin of history as a President that allowed a modern day Genocide under his watch.   


  • And meanwhile, Napoleonic Imperialist and backwards looking, which is no surprise, President of France Emmanuel Macron, who hated the Left so much that he allowed the extreme Right gain too much rise.  Has not only, which is no surprise, mismanaged a runaway Fascist State called Israel, while it commits Genocide on Gaza, and is about to wage war on Lebanon.  Perpetuating a Napoleon inspired forever war with Russia, Marcon is also, which is no surprise, a Transphobic.     
  • All Fascist ideologies, which use their military as the blunt instrument in Total War of an enemy, always implodes.  Unless Total annihilation is inscribed to a eradicate a whole population, and that is part of extremist Israeli Jewish Zionist roots which dates back to the 1930s, actually ends up emulating the more extremes of Fascism, Nazism.  Israel’s army spokesman Daniel Hagari, who will probably, like the rest of the Israeli war machine that has committed or adhered too, onto the Palestinian people, some of the most atrocious war crimes this side of history, is now, like war criminal and former military chief Benny Gantz.  Who, quit fellow War criminal PM Benjamin Netanyahu war cabinet, are both, in whishwashy terms, questioning the logic, after over 15,000 Children have been killed, of their Total War on Gaza.   A genocide, that is an unwinnable war.  While Israel's extremist army push up the civilian kill rate beyond anything seen in over 60 years, they have yet to defeat their enemy, Hamas.  Via Al Jazeera   


  • As the West begins to lose control of its Proxy wars, watching them descend into full blown wars.  The technocrat militarists who threw out 60 years of Cold War protocols and diplomacy may want to have a look at them again.  In an odd and terrible irony, Israel's next war in the Middle East, will be with Hezbollah one of the largest militias in the world, with the firepower to back it up.  And these American and European Right Wing neocons (once were centralists?) in all their arrogance (and ignorance) of believing that they can contain and manage 'proxy' wars, are trying to say to both sides, not to go to war.  In its desperate confusion and yes arrogance, believing there is no link with Hezbollah's tactical 'war' on Israel, and the Yemen Houthis primitive, yet effective blockade of the Red Sea.  That were aimed at curtailing Israel and assisting the Gaza population, who are under the ethnic cleansing and genocide from the Zionist/Fascist State.  Thus, forcing a ceasefire.  And the irony, is Ukraine, which is stuck in a quagmire war with Russia, now authorized to use Western supplied weapons to strike Russian territory, albeit with caveats, continues to attack Russian oil refineries.  At this point in time with their own drones.  So, while U.S. diplomats attempt to quell Hezbollah/Israel tensions, due entirely to the oil price,  everytime Ukraine blows up a Russian oil refinery, you can add $1 and $2 to the cost of oil.  Not to mention the Climate Change issues.  Above clip is of Hezbollah scoping out Israeli cities with drones, as a warning to Israel.   


  • Excellent commentary by Al Jazeera's reporter in Lebanon, Zeina Khodr.  Who reiterates how allies of Gaza will not stop attacks on Israel's borders, until Israel agrees to a total ceasefire in Gaza.  To which America's continued failing in Middle Eastern diplomacy, keeps trying to delink Hezbollah and Yemen's Houthis from Israel's aggression and geoincide of Gaza.  

  • Can Israel pull itself out of it Zionist/Fascist sinkhole?  And have a total ceasefire in Gaza?  The unwinnable quagmire war and genocide.  If Israel decides to invade Lebanon, Israeli cities will be missile attacked by Hezbollah.  Drawing in Iran and the U.S.  Fascism in history has a tendency to violently implode.


  • 21st Century Fascism and Total War theory, devised by the only leading Fascist country (supported by the West, which is leaning further and further to the extreme Right), that being Israel.  With no balanced government, and extremist Zionist/Fascists holding key positions in government.  Can the rational Israeli citizen, in the minority, pull their country out of a Fascist sinkhole?  AP clip above shows how Israel's war has wiped out whole Palestinian bloodlines.  


  • No commentary to this post.  Just the imagery.   


  • President of France, and new found Centralist and Imperialist Emmanuel Macron, who is facing a revolt by French Far Right political parties, when his attempt at trying to hold back the Left in France backfired (now he needs the Left, more than ever), has tried to broker a peace deal with the Fascist State of Israel and the Iranian backed group since the 1970s, Hezbollah.  Has been rejected by War Criminal Yoav Gallant, is also Israel's Minister of Défense, with a ICC arrest warrant out for him and his PM Benjamin "Child Killer" Netanyahu, scuttling any attempt at Macron's peace broker deal.  So, Israel is on point with their beloved ad hoc AI targeting system, crackpot army of extremists and an airforce that likes to bomb hospitals, schools, apartment blocks and mosques is ready to invade Lebanon. Obviously, Hezbollah will not try to invade Israel.  Via: L'Orient 

  • As interconnected markets, and trade flows cloud the fact the world is a new Cold War, yet if you remove economic 'rationalization' with all its globalized hope and free trade agreements.  Including holidays in St Petersburg, Taiwan and China and Tel Aviv is ok, just avoid Gaza and the genocide.  We are actually closer to a nuclear miscalculation than we were in the Cuban Missile crisis of 1967, when the Doomsday Clock was Seven minutes to midnight; we are now at 90 Seconds to Midnight . Just a little sleepy to the urgency, and you can't blame COVID foggy 'brains'.  Just overconfidence and laced arrogance that all is well in our AI, Crypto technological wonderland.  And those Right leaning statesmen (and women) can sort all this out with increased militarism, statistical "AI" guesses and finger crossed, that those global "actors" stay rational. Yes, the 200 year old Strength Through Firepower renaissance just got dusted off.  Russian military exercises with Nuke warships and Submarines, 90 miles away from the U.S. mainland, just like in the 1960s!  The hyperreal just got more real.


  • No commentary to these posts.  Just the imagery.   


Satellite Map of parts of Ukraine, and the fires caused by war. Since the Russian invasion of 2022.

  • Since the militarist technocrats of the world now believe in that 'Peace Through Firepower' is the solution for creating stability, while offering a 'structural' purpose to their society, with proxy wars (not to forget the Cold War Part Two, with the same "actors") breaking out all over the place.  But, no major global Peace Movements, yet.  The Two main wars, at this point in time, is the Geocidal Total War on the Palestinians by a Fascist State called Israel (who have dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, surpassing the Nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki).  The 2nd, is the forever, quagmire war between Ukraine and Russia.  As our 'further' Right leaning (in an effort to hold back the extreme Right) leaders of Europe, who have flicked through Three Hundred year old war manuals on how to wage Napoleonic Wars, have now set off a pollution and climate crisis that has trumped (excuse the pun) all the wars of the last 100 years.  Via:  The Guardian

  • Israel's Total War and annilaton is not limited to Gaza's human population.  Palestinians and their pets have also suffered, as seen in images and footage of cats and dogs, traumatised by bombing and starvation.  The above footage is of a cat suffering from shellshock (from one of Israel's random missile strikes on Gaza) says it all, of what Israel is in its Fascist and supremacist ideology, and what the West have allowed to fester within that dysfunctional country.  


  • The Fascist State of Israel appears to be, for the nth time, about to scuttle Biden's ceasefire proposal, blaming Hamas's amendments, which are asking, and rightly so, for a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza strip.  After Israel has killed over 15000 Palestinian children in its genocidal Total War.  A type of warfare devised by Fascist ideology of destroying a nation, by forcing peace and then colonising it.  There are no half measures in Total War theory, just annihilation.  And Europe, who picks outs its villains, and America, which has lost all credibility as a so called democracy, have both allowed.  While also wrangling with their own Fascism lapping at the political divide, more so Europe, via Macron's warped desire to rein in the Left with his conservative, centrist views has galvanised the Far Right to go even further.  And Proto-Fascist Trump, dying for another shot at the White House to implement his American imperialist legions once 'again', may have a chance.  And since it will be Biden's last few months in office, has shown that he is as neocon as you could get.  With his extreme Middle Eastern policy, via green lighting a unstable Nuke armed Israel to manufacture a genocide on the Palestinians, and topple Iran.


  • As NATO and Russia eagerly head towards a war, led by France and German reliving 17th Century Age of Enlightenment military laced imperialism, in conflict with Czar Russia's imperialism (you can't make this up).  With no Cold War part Two called, just managed Technocratic conflicts, that can be achieved with global "good/bad actors", and an acceptable genocide so the Palestinians can live in peace with Israel, within a modern day Fascist Utopia of what used to be Gaza (Yes, Israel has a 'Gaza solution', no matter how crazy).  Ukraine is offering a glimpse of what a EU countries may have to do in order to hold Russia at bay, or better still, defeat Russia, military conscription.  As these 'Centre' Right and Hard Right European leaders flick through the history books, cherry picking ideas rather than lessons.  
  • While militarist technocrat extraordinaire Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who, like his boss Biden are both complicit in war crimes against Palestinians.  Blinken signing off emergency weapons to Israel, Biden nodding off with an ok.  So, more bombs and weapon parts for Israel's Fascist army can kill more Gaza children, is frantically trying to get Israel and Hamas to secure a ceasefire, not peace, but a half backed ceasefire plan to allow aid into Gaza.  Israel will only agree to the ceasefire with conditions, that they  continue to occupy Gaza, Hamas are resisting due to that reason.  Yet the real reason for Blinken's worried appearance.  The oil price, not human life.  If Lebanon's Hezbollah and Israel go all out war, the price of crude will go parabolic.  It is not about saving lives, a ceasefire deal should have been implemented at 2000 dead Palestinian children, but the U.S. kept vetoing 'peace' proposals at the UN.  What a terrible, bloody mess.  And America is all to blame.  Via: The Guardian 



  • Israel's maniacal crackpot army of Fascist extremists, successfully killed over 200+ Palestinian women, children and and men, to rescue Four Israeli captives, taken on October the 7th 2023 by Hamas.  With no ceasefire on the horizon and Israel ramping up its genocide of Gaza into the extreme, most of the EU, all of U.S. Congress are now complicit in war crimes.  By arming and providing logistical and intelligence reports for Israel to commit its Total War atrocities on Palestinian civilians, in its crazed hostage rescues (while losing a chunk of hostages, to their AI targeting systems).  So, Biden didn't really have a ceasefire deal, did he?  The West, who would not like Hezbollah and Israel to go to war, because of the oil price, have allowed Israel to walk away from any ceasefire deals, showing no interest in negotiating with other Arab countries on ending their genocidal war on the Palestinians.  Why?  Because Israel will occupy the Gaza strip and absorb into the Facist State.  So, with Israel's 'Mussolini' esque conquests of the Middle East rumbling on, a new war with Lebanon's default army will be up next, which is Hezbollah, and it is very close.   It won't be like the Gaza genocide.  It will be a full conflict, not a "limited" war.  With Israel angling for another land grab, with no peace deal.  To take a large slice of Lebanese territory, Syria is on the cards too (Israel was bombing Syria relentlessly prior to 7th Oct 2023).  And in this war, Israel's Iron dome missile system may not be able to protect Israeli cities from Hezbollah rockets.  Will America join in?  U.K.?  France?   This is what we'll get, when we have allowed militarists, Hard Right technocrats and warmongers claim that conflicts are manageable, and genocides are justified.  Till they spin out of control.


  • When leaders are the world are called "actors", and a new Cold War is not a Cold War,  so called low intensity conflicts are "limited wars" and managed "forever wars" are the norm with Nuclear Armed states.  Imperialism and its Hard Right technocracy has allowed Israel's genocide on Palestinians, in redefining a country's 'right to defend itself'; which now means justifiable high civilian kill counts.  While the rules of war have been thrown out the window, as has 60 years of First Cold War nuclear weapon protocols.  The hyperreal, has taken centre stage, until the 11th Hour.  In the meantime, the Biden administration, while reaming Israel's genocidal *Fascist warmachine, has warned (and it's all about the oil price) Israel not to go all out war on Hezbollah/Lebanon, while the Israeli war cabinet and their crazy AI targeting programs have most likely secured its targets in Lebanon of residential apartment blocks, hospitals, schools, universities and mosques.  Hezbollah, which is essentially Lebanon's army, has enough missiles to shut down and severaly damage Tel Aviv.   AXIOS reports: 
*A history lesson reminder: During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel threatened to set off a Nuke as a warning to Egypt.  Israel has always used the Nuclear 'first strike' option as a way of forcing the U.S. into providing more weapons and logistical/intelligence support.  Can the Zionist Fascist state pull off the same 'option' again?  Although, they may not need to if Proto-Fascist, Nuke warrior and convicted felon Donald Trump is re-elected.     



(Image: Israeli border town Hurfeish after a Hezbollah drone attack.  Times of Israel)

  • Northern Israeli recent drone strike by Hezbollah, injures Eleven Israeli soldiers, one critically.  In retaliation to a Southern Lebanon strike by Israel on Lebanese ambulance crews, that crackpot army of Zionist Fascists like to target medical workers, as they have in Gaza.  The Iranian backed Hezbollah, which has been involved in trying to distract Israeli forces away from their genocidal war on Gaza, by attempting to push the fanatical Israeli government to the negotiating table, via via European and U.S. negotiators (as Europe and the America don't want escalation due to the oil price spiking, nothing else).  And these negotiators have actually tried to get Israel to at least work towards a tangible ceasefire plan.  But, to no avail.  As Israel, the fanticial, nuke armed Fascist state seems committed on maintaining its preemptive assassination/offensive strikes on Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi territory.  Pushing the region into all out war.  

  • Israel, under Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu, do not want a ceasefire with Hamas, nor do they care about the Israeli hostages in Gaza who are dying by the week, as Israel commits one of the brutal ethnic cleansing campaigns not seen in the last 60 years.  Supported by the West, which is moving closer and closer towards the Hard Right, even those persky libertarians that mill about claiming conspiracies on everything, don't seem to mind a Nuclear Armed Israel attempted to reshaped the Middle East.  Attuned very much to how early Zionist Fascism, which dates back to the 1930s, and later became entrenched with Jewish and Christian Zionism.  With Israel determined to start a war with Hezbollah, Iran and Yemen, who have all said that they would stop attacks on Israel if the maniacal Fascist State stop their genocide on the Palestinian people.  Israel's armed forces are readying to attack and destroy Hezbollah targets in an all out war on Lebanon, this will mean a lot of Lebanese civilians will be killed. 350,000 Israeli reservists have been called up for the looming war with Lebanon.  Via: The Guardian

  • Neocon militarists and Hard Right Paleolibertarians (but, Putin is ok) of Congress, begin to sanction the International Criminal Court in some half baked 'loophole', so that the Fascist war criminals of Israel can enter America without being arrested.  Europe will follow suit, as will parts of Asia and of course Australia, and New Zealand.  Which leaves Africa being the last bastion of upholding International Law.  How the world turns.

  • Can Imperialism defeat Imperialism?   And Europe, by the day is becoming more and more imperialistic, lead mostly by the Napoleonic inspired Marcon (trying to hold the more extreme Right Wing of France at bay, with dictatorial leads) and the E.U's Borrell, with his strange sentiment that peace doesn't mean 'no war', following a script akin to Frederick the Great 'Enlightenment' period ambitions of the 17th Century, by reshaping Europe into a democratic wonderland, all in lieu of suppressing Putin's imperialistic desires to bring in a Czar Russia (yes, the 17th Century also).  Are we not repeating history here, but with Nuclear weapons?  Ukraine, after Biden lifted the restriction of American medium/long range missiles be used on Russian territory, immediately struck Belgorod in Russia with U.S. supplied HIMARS missile systems.  The issue, apart from a Nuke miscalculation; can Russia and Ukraine be trusted with a missile system used  by the Ukrainian military to strike Russian targets?  Meaning.  The Fog of War has already ascended.  Ukraine denied the strike, while Russia will claim any attacks via Ukraine's missile on Russian towns, are ALL Made in America missiles.  Via: The Guardian  


  • Ukraine has now been authorized to strike Russian targets, within Russia's territory using Western weapons, which are more powerful than Ukraine made drones and retrofitted Soviet era cruise missiles.  These Western weapons are the American medium range  ATACM and HIMARS missile systems, and also long range French, U.K. and German cruise missiles.  This decision to allow Ukraine to be on the offensive with Western missiles, striking deeper inside Russian territory, was never given to the Western public to have a say in, and since the Western governments are all shifting towards the Right Wing, with Militarist technocrats running AI simulation and assessment programs, to see what can be done to beat Russia in a conventional war.  And of course we are not in a Cold War by their definition, but a managed conflict.  We all have to suck it up, that they, the muddled militarists and neocon technocrats, have it all worked out.  Worst, is Holland now an extreme Right Wing (who would have guessed?) EU/NATO country, are going to allow allow Dutch donated F-16 fighters bomb Russian towns.  Where Belgium has said that they would not allow Ukraine to use their F-16 fighters to attack Russia directly.  What is the endgame?

  • Israel has finally been forced into a reluctant Gaza ceasefire by Biden's administration, in desperation before the November elections.  Yet, it won't save Biden, but may give Kamala Harris, who played the fence mostly siding with Israel's "Right to Defend itself, with a Genocide", a dear chance to be the First African American Female President.  At over 38,000 mostly Palestinian citizens killed, and possibly 10,000 buried under the rubble of a city which faced a type of warfare raley seen in recent history.  The Israeli Fascist Zionist State may pause on Gaza's annihilation, by shifting to Syria and Lebanon in their Total War campaign on reshaping the whole Middle East.  Israeli warplanes, in preemptive assassination mode, entered Syrian airspace and hit Iranian based targets in Syria, once again.  Via Reuters.
  • President Biden's in his last gasp, before be sent into the dustbin of history after the U.S. elections in November of this year, for allowing and supporting a genocide onto the Palestinians in Gaza.  Has thrown together 'his' Three Phase plan to end Israel's war of annihilation, which was on the table at the U.N. when the death toll was below 10,000 of dead children, women and men.  Problem is;  Can Israel abide to the ceasefire?  While shelving their desire to claim the whole Gaza Strip?  Via AP
  • Melbourne City, Australia.  Pro Palestinian /anti genocide and anti war protests.    
كلنا فلسطينيون, 
כולנו פלסטינים 
"We are all Palestinian" 

Jabalia, Gaza. 30/05/2024

 (Image:  AP)


  • A small group of antiwar protestors who are the mothers of Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza.   Reiterating, the fears held by the minority of Israelis, that Israel has reignited its dormant Fascist militarist ambitions, while embarking on Ethnic cleansing and Genocide.

  • Hard Right leaning 'centralist' and reviler of Napolisms (or Ceasims.  You can pick) French president Macron, delivers his borderline Imperialist sentiment, in that push for 'democracy' and an new era of Enlightenment into Eastern Europe, while defeating a Czar Russia, under fellow Imperialist Vladimir Putin (who has a flipside desire to reclaim Eastern Europe under Russian rule), that Ukraine should be able to strike Russian targets, deep within Russia, with Western Missiles.  In their strange technocrat muddled, parallel 'reality' where Nuclear weapons weren't invented speak:  Can a conventional war against Russia be won?

  • New York Times investigative journalists have revealed that the bomb dropped on the Rafha 'displacement' camp that killed mostly women and children, was a U.S. manufactured GBU-39 at a yield of (possibly) 37 lbs.  Apparently a guided munition, recommended to be used, by the U.S., in urban warfare for targeted strikes.  Israel bombed a densely populated refugee camp, which set off gas cylinders for cooking, and oil lamps.  Many Palestinian children were burned alive.


  • Bloomberg report on how Israel is out of control, killing an Egyptian soldier on the Rafah crossing (within Egypt), which Israel has shutdown.  And the massacre of civilians at a Rafha 'refugee' camp, by an Israeli airstrike.
  • The Biden's administration has been ineffective and disinterested in stopping Israel's genocide.  Yet, reiterating in their nonsensical technocrat speak, that Israel has a 'right to defend itself, but must adhere to humanitarian aid' for the Gaza population, to which Israel has killed, injured, and created a forced starvation on the Gaza population.  This is a Western backed genocide, as Western politicians from the EU through to Congress walk around in circles and talk the same rhetoric, the only way to stop Israel from taking the genocide to 40,000 dead Palestinians, is intervention.  Israel is a deeply divided society, with its moderates trying to steer the dysfunctional nation into making peace with the Arab world.  The same for the U.S., also a divided country, which is responsible for festering Extreme right wing Zionism, which has morphed into divide and conquer Fascism, entrenching itself deeply into Israeli society, thus allowing and justify the murder of Palestinians en masse.   Turkey has since cut all trade with Israel, affectively setting up an embargo on Israel's imports and exports.  But, the tensions with Turkey and Israel are not recent.  In 2010 Tukey allowed a Flotilla of aid to reach Gaza, known as the "Flotilla Incident".  It was intercepted by Israel special forces, with speculation that Israel was always intending to forcefully board the flotilla regardless.  As it had being training prior to the incident.  Turkish activists on the Flotilla defending the boat with sticks and knives, as the Israeli Special Forces attacked them with automatic weapons.  The U.N. report claims that Israel executed some of the activists.  No automatic weapons were found on the Flotilla.  Full UN report:


  • Very good report from Al Jazeera about the last remaining working Hospital in Rahfa, and interview with an American citizen who is also a Midwife.  Explaining how Israel in its Fascist Total War on Palestinians, is committing war crimes against pregnant women and newborn babies. 

  • Israel, which appears unrestrained in its genocide on Gaza, views all Palestinians in and around Rafah as legitimate targets.  As the Israeli war machine becomes more desperate in trying to win a quagmire war against Hamas, the maniacal Fascist State may indeed up the ante of their genocide.  A recent airstrike kill 35 mostly women and children, within the displacement zone of Rafah.   

  • Discussion on PBS newshour, in relation to the  U.S. about to lift the ban on Ukraine wanting to use Western weapons to hit targets within Russia.  And how do you slow down the Russian war machine?  Not artillery on the border with Ukraine, but Russian oil refineries.  Imagine what an American ATACMS would do.    60 years of Cold War protocols flushed down the toilet.  It's all fingers crossed, deterrence and Biden's + Trump's "rational good/bad actors".  Can the neocons of yesteryear, and revamped Technocrat militarists, finally get their wish to defeat Russia in a conventional war?    Never mine the Nukes or any miscalculation.  
