"Rick Owens cult like oblivion marches on, until it doesn't.   As a long time reviewer of a many of his runway shows over the years, one has to be aware that any crescendo of the Owens template, is also a renewal of his creative prowess.  In its metaphor of death and its rebirth.  Such were his Oracles of Doom, which have been his ready-to-wear collections to date, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic on the beaches of Lido, Venice, and at his beloved tomb like setting of the Palais de Tokyo.  Owens's signature brand is of course his own gothic imprint, honed and crafted since his debut show in New York 2002.  There is no doubting his collections are becoming darker.   

And as noted with my Fall 2023 review, the men's styles are now morphing into his sibyls of the feminine.  Yet, in a clever manner, Owens has ensured that the masculine and the feminine hold a distinctiveness.  As a visual representation of duality, with the subtle fluidity complementing each other within its stygian embrace.  Yes, we are living in very dark times.  

The pandemic changed society and our overconfidence of a technological wonder, has come unhinged.   The human race is at the brink of annihilation.  And at this point in time, our destruction may solely be from our own folly.   With no counter-culture or societal revolution akin to the 1960s and 1970s to guide us out.  We may truly be at our 11th hour.  Is this depressing?  It shouldn't be.  One can see how Owens has forged a cimmerian landscape into his own realm.  Cultivating the artistic drive, so what may seem like a pointless cycle of lethe, that will derive into our inevitable end, can paradoxically, at the same time hold a motivation of purpose..."


(A.Glass.  June 23rd, 2023)

Full review: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2023/06/rick-owens-spring-2024-paris-fashion.html  

Spring 2025 review soon.  
