10 of disks "Wealth" THOTH TAROT CARD: READING



10 of Disks "Wealth" from the Thoth Tarot, is, as discussed in previous posts, one of Aleister Crowley's (d1947) more ambiguous, and rambled interpretation, if one was to use the Book of Thoth to decipher the "Wealth" card.  I have written extensively on Crowley's turbulent background as an occultist, which would be concluded, in a simplistic overview of his own personal version of occultism, on how significant Jewish Qabalah mysticism was to him and of the many occult societies that sprung up from the 1700s and flourished throughout the 1800s and 1900s, evolving from 16th Century Hermetic Qabalah.  All very distinct from witchcraft and so called devil worshipping, which was more akin to a theatrical novelty that manifested from the countercultures of the 1960s through to the 1980s.   Yet, the incorporation of Hebrew into occultism and ceremonial witchcraft, originated from the coded necessity of using secretive numbering patterns, which Hebrew as a language, also offers a numerical based alphabet.  However, Crowley like other Western esoteric occultists of the 1900s, mixed Hebrew lettering up within the context of devising occultist meanings, that can be at times very hard to understand to the point of being nonsensical.  Such is this particular card.

10 of Disks "Wealth" from the Thoth Tarot basically means to be wary of materialism. 


See the gold coins stacked in a formation of Ten?  They represent the Tree of Life from the Qabalah.  Before I continue, I will offer you simple advice before venturing into the details of this card.  They are all meaningless, made of nothing.  This card is worthless.  Just symbols that you may, if you ask, I will interpret for you.  Otherwise, focus of the coins depicted and the name of the Tarot titled "Wealth".  Do you aspire it?  Do you believe in it?  If so, then the symbolism of this card will indeed materialize itself as a deceptive cue.  Wealth, and its desire, one can easily be lead.  Deluded by meaning, dragged around by that hopelessness for stability, which is not of the self.  The material world does not exist, you create its existence.  Everything begins and ends with the self, then why bother over emphasising.  Why bother assuming, that you should feel entitled to attain the wealth of ages.  Be it you, and everybody else.  The boulevard of restless spirits is endless in its suffering.  Know, that the material world will vanish. Like a vapor in time.  So, I say this again; "you are meaningless, nothing".  Meditate on this, and you will know "nothing" is of bliss, and "meaningless" is freedom.


(A.Glass 2023, 2024)
