moodboard: I have personally experienced out-of-body-experiences (OBEs) that have occurred, mostly, with a certain physical activity, where I could not figure out the room's dimensions, position of my body and even viewed myself from above, looking down and from other angles. Clip below in relation to author/researcher Robert A Monroe, details how his"Gateway process" works. I have not tried this technique. Also included is a PDF link to the CIA paper from 1983, when the U.S. army was experimenting with 'remote viewing'.

There maybe a scientific reason for this 'experience', but meditation, with a calm mind via altering the self consciousness naturally through slowing breath and heart rate, can assist in an out-of-body experience.  



Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process" declassified CIA documents from 1983 in relation to U.S. army interest in 'remote viewing', 'astral projection' and 'out of body experiences'.
