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  • In our odd hyperreal world, where feigned stability and peace is seen through superior firepower, Cold Wars don't exist anymore, Neocon conservatives are duking out with extreme Hard Right so-called paleolibertarians.   And militarist technocrats believe they can statically manage a conventional war with Russia.  Not to forget the West, for allowing a Fascist State called Israel to carry out a genocide in the name of "Its right to defend itself".  Which in turn, is now opening up the age old Total War theory to obliterate nations and populations in the name of 'sovereignty', which can easily be laced with Colonialism and land grabs.  The clip above is from DW re: The new Nuclear arms race.


  • Pro Palestinian protestors, advocating at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, to stop arming Israel, and begin to enforce an arms embargo on the War Criminal government of Israel.  Kamala Harris President hopeful already looks like a lost cause for a Gaza ceasefire/arms embargo/Israel boycott, asking protestors to be quiet during one of her speeches, with a veiled threat, that otherwise you'll get Donald Trump again.    


  • Warmonger and Zionist sympathiser to the Fascist regime of Israel, Antony Blinken has returned to the U.S. "empty handed" on a Gaza 'ceasefire', while conferring with the war criminals and extremists of the Israeli government, that they could still have military assets in place throughout Gaza during the so called ceasefire.  Which, constitutes as an occupying aggressor on Gaza territory.  Israeli provocation would remain, hardly a ceasefire.  Can America handle a major war in the Middle East?  


  • Why 'Democratic' Kamala Harris will not be any different if she wins the Presidential election in the U.S., despite trying to keep Proto-Fascist Donald Trump out of the White House for the 2nd time.  To be reminded, it is Right Wing facing off against extremist Right Wing, like everywhere else in the world. Over 15000 Palestinian children and babies have been killed by Fascist Israel.

  • Warmonger and Zionist sympathiser to the Fascists regime of Israel, Antony Blinken, who claims that Israel has agreed to a ceasefire, in another biazarro twist of American one-sided diplomacy within a hyperreal world of the nonsensical.  Israel's bombing campaign on Gaza has gone into overdrive, which everyone knows is Israel's last gasp at having Hamas unconditionally surrender.  By killing innocent Palestinian civilians daily.  Such is the Israel Fascist Total War plan, which America is supporting.  Neither believe in a lasting ceasefire or peace. 


  • U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is visiting the Middle East for the nth time, in his reassuring gesture to the oil markets that he is trying to keep the oil price below $80 per barrel.  Urging Iran not to attack Israel.  While the Fascist State of Israel appears to be scuttling any ceasefire/hostage release deal, for the nth time.  Sticking to its course of exterminating as many Palestinians as it can.  By forcing Hamas to surrender.  In now an acceptance of modern warfare of old, which is the Total war on the 'enemy' and its population.  The genocide of Gaza continues.

  • There is no doubt that Russia's armed forces are a bloated mess, disorganized and poorly led.  That Vladimir Putin is an imperialist and dictator, who orchestrated one of the most disastrous military campaigns of the last 60 years, with a mad rush of Russian conscripts using Soviet era military equipment, into a messy invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which cost the lives of 100,000 Russian troops.  And Ukraine a smaller, better equipment (Western military hardware) and better trained and organized armed force, beat Russia back to their occupied territories along the Russian border with Ukraine.  But, despite all this Russia is dug in, to what is now deemed a quagmire pushbutton war, and Ukraine, via its Western handlers and the Trump-esque "finish the job" militarist war cry, has now been authorized to invade Russia, the first time Russia has been invaded since World War Two.  Never mind the lessons of the previous Cold War and the threat of Nuclear weapons and a possible miscalculation.  Technocrat militarists of Washington with their statistical computation power (sarcasm here), have deemed this as possibility that Putin could be toppled, and Russia could forceable have a regime change, assisted by an invading country. Of course, that would be Ukraine.  So, the other catch cry of the Hard Right leaning militarists of Europe and the U.S., is that genocided flavoured "the Right to defend itself"  which now means invasion of other countries, while the rules of war have been discarded.   Is Ukraine eyeing Belarus, an ally of Russia as their next land grab and invasion cue?      


  • Clip/s showing the Fascist Zionist State of Israel setting up more settlements on the occupied West Bank, while they commit genocide in Gaza.  All for those crackpot 'Israeli' extremist settlers, who obsessively continue to steal more Palestinian land. 

  • Will a ceasefire in Gaza finally be implemented?  After 10 months of so called Centralists/leaning Far Right governments of America and Europe, with their Technocrat war managers in tow, allowing Fascist Israel with their crackpot army of extremists walk around in genocidal circles (there is nothing left to bomb).  Biden's 'Gaza' futurist point plan, which is farce more than not, maybe at Stage One.  In hope, that Israel does not leave an armed base in Gaza, only a U.N peacekeeper force.  Could be the sticking point.  The overall issue is that Israel's offensive armed forces must leave Gaza completely, so that massive amounts of aid are distributed to a dying population, without any hindrance.  To also contain diseases that are breaking out everywhere, due to Israel's Total War on the Gaza Strip.  The other issue, Israel is not to be absolved from their war crimes, by the Neocons and Zionist sympathizers, who may attempt to divert the blame that Iran started it all.  


  • Ukraine has now set up a military office/base in the Kursk region of Russia, and now controls over 1000 km of Russian territory.  

  • Listen to the necon technocrats on Cold War Part 1 high at 1.13 of the above clip, saying that Ukraine, who has just invaded Russia, should be able to use Western weapons on Russian territory.  Remember, these are the same war mongering 'war' managers that want the Fascist Army of Israel "to finish the job" (does that include a temporary ceasefire?) with a $20 Billion weapon shipment to Israel.  Can Ukraine use its American medium range ATACMS and German and U.K. cruise missiles to attack airfields in and around Moscow and St Petersburg?  No wonder Germany is looking at building and refurbishing old bomb shelters again.  And yes, no Cold War Part 2 has been called just yet, only the hyperreal on its digital relays.  


  • While the Neocon war managers and militarist technocrats of the West begin to show gleeful desires, that Putin could be defeated militarily on the battlefield, without a nuclear exchange.  Even those paleolibertarian, Trumpites, with their extremist, libertarian conspiracy theory laced madness, could be warming to the idea that they're 'strength through peace' could actually work, even if they do have a soft spot for Putin.  As the rulebooks, non-proliferation nuke treaties, and human rights of war have been thrown out the window, and conventional wars of annihilation and attrition are back in vogue, as long as the nukes aren't used.  The Fascist imprint of Total Warfare is making a triumphant return to the society of not just a reminiscent of 1950s Cold War that, under our strange hyperreal world, is not a cold war, but the imperialist/colonialist wars of 200 years ago have also been dusted off.   Iran, which is entitled to defend itself from the Fascist rogue State of Israel preemptive attacks, may have recently threatened Iran with a nuke strike.  This is not the first time the maniacal State of Israel has actually threatened its neighbors with nukes, in 1973, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, a diehard Zionist with roots in 1930s and 40s Jewish Fascism, who once said "Palestine does not exist", was very close to Nuke bombing Egypt.    What is more alarming, if the above clip is true via Amir al-Mousawi, a former Iranian diplomat living in Lebanon, that Israel has secretly threatened Iran with a nuke, Iran may also have already developed a Nuke as a countermeasure for that type of threat.   And as Trump and Biden have both said, the world is full of 'bad' and 'good' actors.  But the question must be asked; Then who-is-who of rationale on the global stage, as we sit at the edge of armageddon?


  • As the West scrambles to ensure that the oil price doesn't spike and/or remain above $80 for more than Three weeks, if Iran attacks Israel, which would be akin to an oil shock for Western economies.  The West does not care about the Gaza population or a ceasefire which should have called when the death rate of Palestinians was 100 children killed, nor if Israel continues its 'green light' assassinations or so called surgical strikes throughout the Middle East.  The runaway rogue Fascist State, supported by America's crumbling democracy (we're all awaiting Nov 5th for a possible return of bonafide Fascist Donald Trump, to the Oval office.  With a little help from 'everyman' conspiracy theorist, and flip-flopping Hard Right paleolibertarian futurist) just got a $20 Billion dollar weapons funding boost via the U.S congress.  Via Al Jazeera 


  • Israel, who should be ordered by the international community to pull back from Gaza, and stop their genocide, with over 16000 children killed by their crackpot army and airforce, has instead have been allowed by the West to carry on.  As Biden, who will disappear into history as a President that not only allowed, by militarily supported Israel's killing of Palestinian citizens en masse.  The arrogance, hypocrisy and overconfidence of the West's failed Middle Eastern diplomacy is astounding, but paradoxically, not surprising.   Allowing Israel, the only Fascist State in the Middle East, to carry out preemptive bombing attacks and incursions into neighbouring countries with impunity, by claiming that Israel has a "right to defend itself".  Iran's foreign minister calls hypocrisy on Western leaders requesting Iran to not attack Israel in retaliation to its incursions into its territory, by the rogue state.  The soon-to-be strike on Israel is Iran's attempt, right or wrong, at rebalancing a deterrence towards Israel's aggression.  Via The Guardian


  • All the while, the U.S. State Department, whose Middle Eastern policy is all but in tatters, by allowing Israel a granted genocide, in the name of the Nuke armed, rogue Fascist State of Israel to 'right defend itself'.  This maniacal Zionist collective of war criminals and their crackpot army of rapists and child killers, have also decided to preemptively attack and kill anyone it pleases or deems as a threat throughout the Middle East, throwing out the rules of war and sovereignty of other Middle Eastern countries.  On the 31st July 2024 Israel used either a drone to kill Ismail Haniyeh or planted an "AI" (?) bomb in his room, whilst he was staying at a security compound in Tehran, by Mossad agents.  To which, the U.S said they knew nothing about, and then later, according to AXIOS, some U.S. officials knew of Israel's intent to assassinate the Hamas political leader.  Either way, Iran has vowed to retaliate, as they did in April of this year, when Israel assassinated, with an airstrike, Mohammad Reza Zahedi, whilst staying at an Iranian embassy in Damascus.  According to AXIOS, Iran attends to follow through with its retaliation of Haniyeh's assassination, with an attack on Israel that is iminent:

  • When genocides are not genocides, and a country's right to defend itself, now means obliterating the other country and/or population, invasions are 'special operations', and counter invasions of 'incursions'.  All the while war mongering neoconservatives (and imperialists) of the U.S. and Europe are gleefully rubbing their hands together, replaying antiquated 200 and 100 year old caverley/tank charges as modern warfare techniques, that Russia could be defeated conventionally on the battlefield, of course this has never happened in military history.  Ukraine has just invaded Russia, with a similar tank charge, albeit better coordinated, that Russia attempted on Kviv in the first stages of Russia's blundering blitzkrieg of invading Ukraine.  With possible foreknowledge by Western intelligence and advisors, that Russia's army is indeed a confused and disorganised behemoth, to which Ukraine under Western troop training and advanced weaponry could move further into Russian territory for what could be a land grab and, under neocon 'peace through strength' warfare, an attempt at Ukraine trying to force Putin to the negotiating table, or have him ousted and overthrow the Russian government.  Despite extremist and fan of Putin, Proto-Fascist (yes he is) Donald Trump who is on a revenge driven desire to return to the White House, looking for payback on the mythical left wing (try instead those fumbling centralist Right Wingers [yes they are] ala 'genocide' Joe Biden and his merry band of populists, not many left wingers left in the world.  It's all Right Wing, against extreme Right Wing these days), Trump says he could end the Ukrainian/Russian war, with this "peace through strength".  Would superior firepower ala Nukes, also be considered?  


  •  A country that is Fascist, is of course Israel.  With its genocidal war against Palestinians living in Gaza wages on, supported by the West, with their "ironclad commitment" to protect a Nuke armed out-of-control Zionist fascist State.  No safe zones in Gaza under Israel's war of annihilation.  The densely populated Bureij refugee camp bombed, with U.S. supplied bombs.   Via Al Jazeera

  • DW report on the counter protests against the Far-Right rioters in the UK, which had been festering for a long time under Centralists governments who have flirted with Right Wing ideology, in turn have reinforced the disinformation of the Left Wing, that being the hysteria/paranoia of immigrants, mythical 'wokes', and muslims taking over society.   These are the foundations of Fascism.

  • Meanwhile, proponents in Western Europe who have revised their antiquated Napoleonic and Frederick the Great forever wars of the last 200 years with Russia, under the guise and military support of the Right Wing neocon America, who still would like to defeat Russia conventionally ala Cold War Part Two with a Proxy 'hot' War.  Cold War diplomacy of the last 60 years, with its non nuclear proliferation treaties, and peace movements of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, have been either torn up or forgotten altogether as a history lesson novelty.  Yet, in this strange, overconfident hyperreal world of digitalized wars beamed through mobile phones and youtube, it may indeed begin to hit home that this could end up being worse than the first Cold War. And for the first time since the Ukraine/Russian conflict, a Thousand plus Ukrainian troops, rearmed with Western tech weaponry, from a sparse Ukrainian army, have invaded the Kursk region of Russia.  Which is an invasion into Russia.   Why Western leaders have allowed this, is astoundingly dangerous.


(Flight paths over the Middle East: 6/08/2024)

  • The U.S. with its Middle Eastern diplomacy and credibility in tatters, mostly by supporting a Fascist State called Israel to perpetuate its genocide of Gaza, in revenge for the October 7th 2023 attacks.  Who are now attempting to ethnic cleanse the entire Gaza strip, while waging so called proxy wars with Lebanon, Yemen and Iran.  Which, as the world awaits Iran's military response to Israel's assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, with an armed drone that flew into Tehran, Iranian airspace.  Biden, who will disappear into the dustbin of history as a signatory to a genocide, and hopeful Kamala Harris who is already appearing useless, pertaining to the First (or 2nd time) Fascist president in American history awaiting on the sidelines, who just might, as the whole world turns Hard Right, have a another stab at being President once again.  Peace, appears to be not an option anymore.  Just war.  The U.S. sends more military hardware to the Middle East, to bolster Israel's defenses, while Israel can continue wage its wars and genocide/s.  Does Iran have a right to defend itself?  As does Lebanon?  Yemen?  Iraq?  Gaza?   And does the aggressor have a right to destroy?  As America and Israel for the nth time, make the world less safe. Via       


  • Israel begins to jam GPS coverage over Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, as they did when Iran attacked Israel with drones and missiles in April of  this year.   Or, is Israel readying for one of their 'secretive' preemptive Iran bombing runs?   Via Haaretz .  Below is the Flight map as of April 5th, with the flight path over Israel and Lebanon begin to thin out and reroute.

  • Israel is clearly the most dangerous country in the world at the moment.  A nuke armed Fascist state fueled by Far Right zionist extremists who hate Arabs, with a record of preemptive bombing and assassination campaigns attacking any targets within the Middle East that it deems as a 'threat'.  Without expectation of any repercussion, under the protection of America, which was instigated by a Democratic president John F. Kennedy in 1962 with the Israel/American military alliance act, which also allowed the U.S. to veto any attempt at the UN to rein in Israel's track record of crimes against humanity, racism, and its illegal land grabs of Syrian, Lebanon, and of course Palestinian territory.   And now, as everybody knows, this Fascist, dysfunctional State of Israel is carrying out the worst perpetrated genocide on a population since World War Two.  Armed by the West, that has also included intelligence gathering, which somehow missed Israel's drone assassination of Palestinian leader and 'ceasefire' negotiator Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Iran.  Israel is now considering attacking Iran first, prior to the expectation, this time, that Iran will launch a large scale attack on Israel.  So far, the technocrats in Washington and Europe, continue to walk around in circles and have not pushed Israel for any ceasefire/hostage release and peace plan.  Instead, they're sending warships and military aircraft to the Middle East, to shield Israel, and allow them to maintain their Total war and genocide on Gaza.  Via:  Times of Israel:

  • Meanwhile in our hyperreal world of Cold Wars that are not Cold Wars, genocides are not genocides (just as long as the are confined to a small region of the Middle East), and the Centralists of the West swinging to the Right of politics scramble to plug their self induced miscalculations and errors with more miscalculations and errors, including keeping the economy running at all costs via managing its various technocrat inspired proxy wars.  Ukraine and Russia, which would have Cold War Part 1 diplomats of yesteryear turning in their graves, are still lobbing missiles and drones at each other.  In what appears to be the 21st Century version of a push button quagmire war, that won't have any winners except for a miscalculation (or error) that could indeed be nuclear.  And if Proto-Fascist 'Strength through nukes' Donald Trump, who loves nuclear weapons, claims he could achieve peace between Ukraine and Russia in a single day, one can only shudder at what his strength through superior firepower diplomacy actually could look like.  Ukraine strikes deeper into Russia, clip via DW.


  • Melbourne City, Australia.  Pro Palestinian /anti-genocide/fascist zionist and anti-war protests.    
كلنا فلسطينيون, 
כולנו פלסטינים 
"We are all Palestinian" 


  • U.S.  warships and an aircraft carrier on route to the Middle East to protect (defend?) the Nuke armed Fascist State of Israel, so much for the West procuring de-escalation, and negotiate a ceasefire deal.  Instead allowing Israel to perpetuate its multi county bombing and assassination programs without any repercussion, whilst Israel maintains one of the worst genocides in living memory.  With the International Criminal Court and UN acknowledging that Israel's crackpot army have carried out forced starvation, and a Total War of extermination onto the Palestinian population.  Killing 16,000 children.  

  • Israel with its misinformation, disinformation and bizarrely 'denying' covert missile assassinations of any country that it deems a threat, in which the U.S. has had full knowledge of, mixed with the Fascist inspired in-your-face genocide of Gaza.  The Fascist State of Israel is now trying to declare war on multiple Arab countries in the Middle East, has made the claim with its engineered fog of war, that Palestinian political leader and head ceasefire negotiator Ismail Haniyeh, was killed by a bomb planted his room, within in a building in Tehran, Iran.  Yet, eyewitnesses claim that it was a missile strike on the room, rather than a internal bomb going off.    While the U.S. seems to either be allowing, or losing control of its proxy in the Middle East.  Either way, the overconfidence, and arrogance of the war managers and Right leaning technocrats in Washington is about to come undone.  h Ismail Haniyeh


  • As the Technocrat war managers of the West, who have talked the talk, and done nothing, in relation to worst genocide in recent history unfold in Gaza, with the slaughter of Palestinians by a Fascist rogue State of Israel, are now losing control of the situation at a rapid rate.  Can they hold back a fanatical driven Israel, with its out of control destabilization Total War plan, by edging the U.S. into a direct conflict with Iran?   The above flight map, in similarity to April 2024 when Iran launched reitalatory drone/missile strike on Israel, shows commercial aircraft now avoiding the Middle Eastern region surrounding Israel.  


  • Can the Fascist State of Israel be stopped military, as it begins to destabilize the whole Middle Eastern region?  Clearly the country is out of control, with feigned excuses that the most powerful militarized State in the Middle East needs to defend itself, with its preemptive strikes and bombing campaigns, and of course a full fledged genocide of the Palestinians, with a death toll that stands at 40,000+ with over 15,000 children killed by Israeli airstrikes and artillery.  The fear is, that Proto-Fascist Donald Trump, who was responsible for his conspiracy laced mania that he lost the U.S. election in 2021 due to vote fraud, and ordered his half baked militias to ascend on Congress to take back America, may indeed take the White House back in November of this year.  Remember this ex-President who has called members of Congress that believe Israel is committing genocide, to be supporters of Hamas and "Palestinians", which indicates that Trump is one can short of a six pack in his neocon/paleolibertarian/empiralist brain.  Yet, the danger is real.  Ben "War Criminal" Netanyahu, maybe banking on a Trump win, so America can go to war with Iran.  Great plans of the Fascists, but not surprising, as it has occurred many times before in history, just the other way around.  The West  now, has certainly fallen towards the antiquated view of colonisation via Total warfare, that was born of the Right Wing manifestation within the period of the so-called Age of Enlightenment.  Even the so called Democrats under "Genocide Joe", seems likely to commit to a war with Iran, regardless of Trump wanting to "finish the job".  At least the manic depressed, erratic thinking extremist, and former President is honest.     

  • The Fascist State of Israel war crimes, continue on.  Al Jazeera journalists targeting by a crackpot genocidal army.


  • Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh living in Tehran, Iran has been killed by an Israeli airstrike.  Vice President Kamala Harris has just lost the whole Arab/Muslim vote in the U.S., by allowing Israel to throw the Middle Eastern region into the potentiality of all out war, by an unrestrained Israel.  Biden's administration, like their Neocon Republicans in Congress never believed in de-escalation, ceasefire or peace.
  • The Neocon 'Democrats' begin to reshow their warmongering technoart fervor (gone are the days of their Gaza death rate is too high at 10,000 verbal BS, it is now close to 40K), is revving back up in earnest prior to U.S. elections in November 5th 2024, where the crazed proto-fascist Donald Trump, and his bizarre strength through peace and nukes rhetoric has gone into overdrive, is itching to attack Iran.  It seems that the Right leaning Democrats will beat him to it, after Israel has now been given the green light for widespread assassination programs in true American antiquated exceptionalism, hyperreal drivel, with the phrase "finish job", have allowed that rogue Fascist State of Israel to assassinate Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh living in Tehran, Iran.  Right Winger and fanatical technocrat U.S. defense secretary Lloyd Austin, who claimed that Israel is not committing genocide in Gaza, had authorised warships to the coast of Lebanon, a day before Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran, and hours before Israel assassinated, via a drone, Hezbollah strategist Fuad Shukr in Beirut, Lebanon.   As the U.S. begins to squeeze the Middle East, while protecting Israel, to maintain its brutality on Gaza, and its 'targeted' airstrikes of Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and maybe now, Iran is on the hit list.  Via The Guardian.  Can they all 'finish the job' and régime change the Middle East, begin Israel's Gaza utopian rebuilding plans of electrical car, solar panel factories and high rise hotels, and bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East before November's elections?  

  • Vice president Kamala Harris, who by all definition was that vain 'hope' to keep proto-Fascist Donald Trump out of the White House for the 2nd time, has dropped the ball, for the 2nd time (claiming the Golan Heights is part of Israel, it is not), in relation to Israel's Fascist war machine, with its ICC arrest warrants issued for war crimes committed against Gaza; that being a genocide, weaponizing starvation, killing aid workers, journalists, bombing schools, hospitals and *torture and sodomisation (rape) of male Palestinian prisoners.  She repeats the same tedious 'throw out the rules of war' justification, of "Israel's right to defend itself"  in allowing Israel's targeted/or random assassination programs, recent drone attack on one of the busiest areas in Beirut (which injured civilians nearby), to kill a Hezbollah leader. 
*Also Via The Guardian quoting an IDF Twitter post on IDF soldiers raping male Palestinian prisoners. 

  • The U.S. is desperately trying to advise Israel to pinpoint their assassinations of Hezbollah leaders, in a strange hyperreal version of what the U.S. State Department means by de-escalation 'diplomacy' (?).  But, no ceasefire in Gaza, which would deescalate the region very quickly.  Yet, Israel with the U.S. as its equally confused handler, arrogance in tow, continue on justifying their disproportional Total Warfare on Gaza, Yemen, and Lebanon.

  • Oked by the West, essentially Israel's handlers, have allowed Israel to attack Beirut, the capital of Lebanon on one of their infamous and rather tedious drone assassination attempts, which of course causes injuries and casualties to civilians in the vicinity of the Fascist State of Israel Total War theory on any country in the Middle East, that threatens their security.  Accept, the Golan heights is not part of Israel, it was stolen from Syria in 1967, the Druze are not Zionist Israelis, they are the original inhabitants of that region, as are the Palestinians in Gaza, and the Druze religion forbids revenge attacks.  Yet, any excuse for war criminals Netanyahu and Gallant and their crackpot army of revenge driven conscripts (which will eventually implode, and turn on each other.  All fascist regimes do in the end.  West should take note, ala Trump)  


  • Hezbollah has said it will respond to any Israel retaliatory  strike on Lebanon.  As U.S. diplomats frantically try to hold Israel and Hezbollah back from going to War.   No ceasefire in Gaza and acknowledgment of Israel's genocide, they'll be no peace on Israel's Northern Border.
  • While Israel maintains its Total War and committed genocide of Gaza, weaponizing starvation, restricting clean drinking water.  And now a polio epidemic that will kill the younger Palestinians living in a destroyed Gaza.  U.S. diplomats have urged restraint on Israel's maniacal war machine on attacking Lebanon/Hezbollah in retaliation to the Druze community deaths via what could be misfired Hezbollah rocket, on Israel's illegal occupation of the Golan Heights in Syria.   In similarity to the Israel/Iran skirmish in April of this year, which in the first time in our 'hyperreal' history, Iran directly attacked Israel in reitation for Israel's cherry picking bombing campaign of Iranian targets  throughout the Middle East.  Israel, with its infamous secretive counter attacks (on a good day), encouraged by the U.S. State Department, launched medium range hypersonic missiles strikes on Iranian anti-missile batteries, within Iran.  The rumour after the 'skirmish', encouraged by the U.S. State Department, was that Israel actually shot down one of their own missiles aimed at Iran.  Why?  It's all about the oil price spiking.  Not civilian deaths and further destruction of Cities, which Israel has proven they are good at destroying.   So, the West, more so the U.S. could indeed push Israel to stop their destruction of Gaza and its inhabitants.  However, Gaza has not been exploiting its natural resources per se, so no market prices have been affected by Israel's ongoing genocide.  And that Fascist State is eyeing a Gaza Strip land grab,  and then plunder Gaza's Natural gas resources off Gaza coast.    

  • No commentary to this footage


  • Unfortunately Kamala Harris, who may have a very slim chance at keeping proto-Fascist and bizarro wannabe dictator Donald Trump out of the White House, dropped the ball when she said that Majdal Shams is an Israeli town, it it is not, it is part of Syria that Israel stole during the 1967 Arab/Israeli war, which Israel then annexed the whole the Golan Heights region, deemed an illegal occupation by the United Nations.   As it was part of the Zionist Fascist land grabs that the world has turned a blind eye too.  As Israel prepares of its next genocide, aimed at all of Lebanon, despite their crackpot Fascist army armed by the West, tiring from killing over 15,000 Palestinian children.  They are looking for any excuse to wage Total War on the so called Iranian proxies in the Middle East.  That rogue nuke armed Fascist State of Israel is clearly out of control, using a tragedy such as the missile attack on a Druze peoples living under occupation by Israel, to continue their war of brutality on the Palestinians and now the Lebanese.  


  • Israel has been broadening its attacks on Hezbollah positions since Israel invaded Gaza in October 2023 and began their genocide, the Iranian backed militia has decreed that they will stop their tit-for-tat attacks, if Israel agrees to a ceasefire in Gaza.  To which Israel has scuttled any attempts at a peace deal/hostage release numerous times, and is hellbent on pushing Hezbollah back from its Northern border with Lebanon, without attempting or securing peace with diplomacy.  Hezbollah rockets killed 12 Druze Children playing football, within the Golan Heights town of Majdal Shams.  However, Hezbollah has denied the incident, claiming it was from an Israeli missile defense system rocket that caused the deaths.  Regardless of the tragedy, Israel's intentions are firm, they want to attack Hezbollah with a broader and deadlier response.  Which may come sooner than later, including their depositional civilian death rate, in justifying Israel's 'right to defend itself'.

  • War Criminal and Fascist Benjamín Netanyahu after his Congress speech, which in the first time in American history had allowed a War Criminal address Congress, received a standing ovation by Hard Right Republican neocons and their extremist conspiracy theorist paleolibertarians, has returned to his dysfunctional State of Israel.  Without a ceasefire or return of what's left of the 100+ Israeli hostages still held in Gaza.  Instead, Israel's Fascist crackpot war machine continues to target hospitals, UN workers and Schools.  The latest attack on the school in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, has killed 30 Palestinians.  The death toll now of Israel's invasion and genocide of Gaza is over 40,000.  Mostly civilians.  
