Excerpt: Courrèges. Spring 2025 - Paris Fashion Week

"...Aligning the mathematical with the imagination, science with its fiction, all within Di Felice post Utopian world, that has merged with the Dystopian.  Or, as I have coined in 2021 in an article I wrote, titled "Omnitopia", that embraces both a societal progress and decline, an acceptance of the collapse of society and an attempt to rebuild.  Which didn't occur after the 2020 pandemic, instead prefabrication and overconfidence went into overdrive.

And there is no doubt, as I have noted in other fashion reviews, that the counterculture, which is long overdue, still remains elusive while the world politically begins to move closer to the Far Right.  But, the amorous styles of 2019 are still one of the main trends on the runway, whether or not they are reflecting the desire to offer a renewed sexual revolution, beyond the tabooed commercialisation and isolation on social media feeds, it is hard to say.  

For now, Di Felice's eros charged Omnitopia styles for Spring 2025 maybe a glimpse of stylizations of the future, that is of the now.  Immersed both within darkness and light, as an overture of a new tomorrow.  And in the end, something new and alluring emerges.

A stunning collection."


Full review:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/09/courreges-spring-2025-paris-fashion-week.html

(A.Glass 2024)
