Excerpt: CATACLYSMAL (A.Glass 2017)

“Sir Black Sea movement, Russian destroyers and Lada Class submarines.”  A young female communication sergeant says whilst looking over a computer monitor.  
Standing behind her is Captain Paul Grunner. “Tracking and algorithm response.” 
She points to the monitor as the augmented reality  algorithm (ARA) communication systems via a military supercomputer which tracks the targets on the Black Sea. “Two destroyers and two subs...formation pattern as calibrated on prediction protocol, detection of stealth submarines...Two by two, front and behind the Russian ships.” 
“Good, run attack sequence on simulated tactical nuke strike.  Report once complete.” 
“Yes sir” Captain Grunner walks back towards the main command area looking up at the computer readouts at the various black triangulated shapes which fill the screen. “What the hell is it Nile?” Chief Physicist, Nile Stephenson, of this secret American facility stands next to the military man, Grunner doesn't look at the scientist, aware of his presence, his focus is on the infrared satellite telescope image and various spectrometric images that are split into a horizontal datum on the large overhead monitor.


CATACLYSMAL (A.Glass 2017)
