Excerpt: "Fatale is the Femme"; from the novel THE PRAXIS CONTIUUM (A.Glass 2018)

 "The challenges facing security in todays interconnected world, from all perspectives, not just cyber security.  Is how do we facilitate and implement protocols in a security conscious world, without it becoming a version of George Orwell's 1984..."  The man speaking from the conference podium says to a packed room.  The audience chuckles.   "...The good news, depending on what angle you see it from, is that the governments of the world, which have always manifested a constituted fear from the general public.  When it comes to privacy.  Is that government systems and their departments hold too much power within the realms of homeland security, however, it is the outsourcing of security contacts to private entities rather than over expanding their own security networks.  Which may relay the fears that the public has of privacy and freedom, whether that be private security, protection and as I mentioned securing cyber networks.  A private sector maintaining a secured overview of perspective contracts via government sectors, will ensure a refined approach, devoid of any political influence.   Undoubtedly as you all know, with our current government's security policies is to ensure that all established systems, such as military and civilian utility networks are to be protected at all times.  They have spent billions in ensuring that these protocols are in place, more so after the events in New York City in two thousand and fourteen. Nearly five years ago.  What is left, and as the last speaker has explained before me, is the smaller yet lucrative contacts, such as the company that he is representing which offers micro satellites systems to track known and wanted felons or possible terrorist suspects.  Well, thank you to the OSC panel for allowing me to speak with you today."  The audience claps as the man in his late forties dressed in a formal attire turns and walking to his left, as he ascends down a small set of stairs from the main conference podium, he then makes his way to a round dinner table."


