Excerpt: "I. Prologue" from THE GRAFT OF SHADOWS (A. Glass 2019)


“It was coming...I remember from a few years ago, when I finished high school...” The woman
says, yet she pauses in mid sentence staring blankly at the opposite wall of the Madison's
apartment. Unable to clearly remember the similarities of history and its time lines. She breaks her
stare and looks at Madison as he continues studying her whilst sipping his Martini. Smiling she
then places the chopped tomatoes into a fry pan with onions and garlic.
“I know, history has a rhyme. Although, sometimes it doesn't always have the same
tune...Anyway thanks for making dinner,” Madison replies, as he continues watching the television
She smiles at Madison in an appreciating manner. “My pleasure...” She then checks the spaghetti
which is bubbling in hot water within a metal pot. “...As you know, I am half Maltese.”

