Reading: "Machines of the Occultus" from the novel The Graft of Shadows (A.Glass 2019)

“Hence the cognitive blind spots that the mind develops when it cannot track variants of attention. So, yes that is correct. Except I have created the alternative version to that experiment; The Ghost in the Room theory,” Lillias replies as the other guests look in her direction, as she is sitting the furthest away from the host of the talk.

“Please explain,” the host asks in a polite and unassuming manner as Lillias sits upright uncrossing her legs.

“Well, just as we, as human beings have cogitative blind spots or as you mentioned inattention blindness, I theorize that we also have a quest to try and fill in a mystery, that originated from blind spots. So we look for an explanation, and as I said earlier, we attempt to fill that distracted emptiness, go back over something we think we have missed and assume that it maybe supernatural...”

“So essentially, as science has always decreed, we create the ghosts?”

“Well...” Lillias leans back into her chair, folding her legs over. “ imprint or version of ghostly apparitions, exasperated, as you said, to look back at that inattention disorder to attach an idea that is beyond our comprehension. But, yes, we create the ghosts, however these visions may be unique to the individual in different ways. I would rather not out rightly dismiss what someone claims they've seen which may have no explanation, on any direct scientific ground...As a lot of these unexplained ghost sightings or experiences are still a mystery. Maybe because the experiences are selective, as the individual devises, in their own minds, an answer for understanding what they saw as an abnormality. And this may occur later on when someone else points it out to them or what they later see which could be caught on camera. In relation to the quantum physics side and I know the scientists here today may squirm a little in their seats. But, I am fascinated by the theory of parallel worlds and certain events that may, and I am being open about the possibility, that it effects our reality here.”

Peter Chilton, the Professor of Physics, leans forward looking at Lillias. “The issue, science has, particularly if we use Quantum physics as a measure, regarding the phenomenon of Ghosts, is that...”

Lillias pauses the clip.

Wow, you blitzed!” Shannah says looking at her friend as Lillias leans over and kisses Shannah on the forehead. “Thanks gorgeous.”

You fucking laid it down, very smart.”

Yeah, it's utilizing topics, working them through. Avoiding arguments and heated discussions...” She looks at Shannah again. “...Remaining calm, but not overly calm, it can look like a front. You saw that before with those two fucknuts arguing, but, they, people like him...” She points to the paused image of the Professor of Physics. “...Will call you out, if they can. Which is fair enough...” Lillias holds out her right hand, smiling as she slightly sees a double image, the affect of four Vodka shots. “...I have no problem with that. Regardless, the focus, and it's subtle, has to be turned around towards...” She lifts her right hand, with her index finger point in a forward direction, she then switches the hand inward at a ninety degrees angle so the finger is pointing directly at her chest. “” Lillias leans back and taps the controls with her left middle finger as the clip resumes.

...a ghost, say what is described in popular culture, would need to generate a vast amount of energy to exist. We, as Quantum physicists have seen that particles, specifically from the Standard Model, and their interactions via Particle Generators, despite their variant of oscillations. We simply have not detected any electron particle that could generate and maintain a ghostly mass.

As a three dimensional physical apparition? The hosts asks.

Professor Chilton, turns to the host who is sitting beside him. He smiles in a dismissive manner.

And it hasn't been discovered.

Kyla, how then would one account for the fact The Standard Model of particle physics has not detected an electron that could resemble or make up a ghost's form?

Well, I would say that of course it is speculative what a ghost would be made up of, but, in relation to the Standard Model and if it is being used to dismiss new types of particles. I think, one should be careful here and I am not a mathematician, but the Standard Model still falls short explaining the theory of gravity, dark matter, neutrinos and... Lillias turns her attention to the audience. ...extra or alternate dimensions within what we know about our Universe.

The host looks towards the five guests sitting in front of him. “Well, that's all we have for tonight's presentation, thank you...”

Lillias ends the clip.

That's it!”

Shannah claps as she sits upright, turning to Lillias. “Bravo!”

She bows in a humble manner.

Was it nerve wreaking.”

Fuck yeah, it was...ain't gonna lie. That was hard. Especially the last part, when the good Professor was trying to set up a discussion, slash, argument...What I said to him was on the fly, problem is, what I said was correct. Can fire these guys up. You can easily be drawn in for a tit for tat.”

Shannah places the shot glass down and lifts up her cellphone, she then looks at Lillias. “I see your point, would be counter productive I guess.”

Lillias leans down and picks up the Vodka bottle. “Correct. We, nearly did half a bottle of this artisan stuff.”

We're did you get it from?”

New York Fashion week.” She metaphorically places the bottle under her left arm indicating a swipe.

Shannah laughs, as does Lillias. “Well you are from Jersey...Speaking of which, as I said earlier, I moved into my new apartment in Manhattan yesterday.”


"The Graft of Shadows" (A.Glass 2019)
