"...So, this present time, that is our future.  Then why not define it as manifestation of change?  To which the human body, to survive, may need to change too.   Can we borrow from nature?  Without destroying it?  Ultimately humanity may find it hard to destroy the natural construct, but rather we will eradicate ourselves.  Nature, the Earth was born from Hadean (Hell) and in our short period of time on this planet we may indeed make our existence short lived.    Our biogenics will have to change to survive.  

ThreeASFOUR being the experimental fashion designers that they are, have presented for Couture 2023 an absolutely groundbreaking collection, which in its lookbook presentation called "Parallel Universes", has brought into its couture template, elements of the human devised science fiction and biomechanical.  Whilst, thankfully, leaving out the overhyped so called artificial intelligence learning programs.  However, the designers did offer an open possibility that the collection could be based off an AI imprint, yet created by humans as a tantalizing possibility that AI should be controlled as a helpful tool, not as a replacement for human ingenuity 

At 23 created garments with ThreeASFOUR benchmark 3D printing for their debut Couture collection, Asfour, Donhauser and Gill have been able to set the avant-garde pieces of allowing the viewer to be immersed into the styles that are offered.  And yes, these Parallel Worlds, that sometimes enter our dreams, may hold an answer in how to manifest our waking reality.   

It is the imagination that sets us free.


Full review:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2023/08/threeasfour-couture-2023.html

(A.Glass 2023)
