USD bid as the Chinese property sector readies for a total collapse. Yuan bonds are being dumped as millions of Chinese begin to save. Bonus chart: Argentina Peso crashes as a mini "Trump" and right wing extremist may become their next President.

Chart 1

Bonus chart

China's bears may finally have their day, which for the most part will affect us all.  The Chinese billion property sector is hanging by a thread, which so far, despite the lack of clarity within Chinese financial information, it has been surmised or calculated that China has or had (since 2022) amassed over $500 billion (USD) as a bailout fund to support its crumbing 'publicly listed' property companies.  That one by one are struggling to gain finance, thus the confidence in Chinese denominated assets i.e bonds are being dumped en masse.   Which is as clear as day, that the Chinese are now starting to wean off their dependency on cheap credit and in turn are dumping Chinese YUAN and buying up U.S. Dollars (USD) = hording cash.  

Chart 1 above shows the USD (white line) and YUAN offshore/USD (orange) line) futures, as you can see the demand for USDs and selling of YUAN is at a monthly high.

Bonus chart has the USD/Argentinian Peso, once again the demand for U.S. Dollars has overshadowed the Peso as Argentina is now sitting with 100% inflation and chaos economically an politically, with a mini "Trump" rising to power following the Trumpanism rulebook of politicization and scapegoats.    
