Reading: "Arktalus" from EVENFALL OF THE HELICAL (A.Glass 2022)

“...Your fascination with time Master Zelac. And you would like me to help you understand this new equation in lieu of the discover of these unusual light structures?”

Yes, that is correct.”

And I would do this as a charitable service?”

I was hoping that you could assist in helping me understand why these objects have appeared.

Is this an obsession Master Zelac?”

What do you mean?”

Of time...” Professor Eptson places the documents neatly on his lap as he stares at Zelac. “...You know, when you infiltrated my study groups, I was astounded at your ability to be able to discern the most complex of equations or at least...” The professor smiles. “ gave the impression of knowledge.”

You weren't fooled,” Master Zelac replies bluntly.

No, but you fascinated me. And I had to be careful, particularly in what might eventuate into an unwanted problem. But...” He looks around the darkened security area where he and Master Zelac are facing each other. “...alas, it ended up so.”

I'm not good at chess,” Master Zelac replies

I am, and you still were able to checkmate me.

Zelac doesn't reply, but rather he looks into Professor Eptson's eyes. “Is it necessary to go over this again?”

The Professor exhales, briefly looking away. “There should be a trade here Dius Master, otherwise...” He then looks down at the papers that Zelac had given him to study. “...I may not decide to assist your quest in finding out what these light shapes are.”

It was your overconfidence, in that mindset, you failed to detect the slight variations that I instilled to see if you would make a mistake. And yes, I am not an academically minded person at all, but even though you say you weren't completely fooled you did not question my background, rather you were, as you said, fascinated by it. And in the end the error you made, became obvious.”

Too you?”


But, not anybody else?”

Probably not”

And it wasn't easy?”

No at all...” Zelec pauses, as he studies the two tattoos on each of his index fingers, with the right finger showing a pyramid facing forward and on the left the same polyhedron shape facing inward. He then looks at the Professor. “...It seemed like it would be impossible. It took a lot out of me.”

Hence, they...” he points around the darkened space. “...appointed a Dius Master.”

Zelac doesn't answer.

Curious, yet it took time,Professor Eptson says.

Yes it did,” Zelac replies.

And time is valuable...” The Professor doesn't blink. “...Considering life's relationship with time, more so the human condition. Especially when time runs out. We worry.”

Aware that the Professor of his psychological disposition often attempts to play with Master Zelac's mindset, trying to create a response that could be of anger or fear. Zelac stares ahead at the Professor, who then turns his attention to the file.

The question is for you Master Zelac. Do you worry about time.”

It ends, like everything else.”


Reading:  "Arktalus"  from EVENFALL OF THE HELICAL (A.Glass 2022)
