excerpt: Cult Gaia - Fall 2024
"There is alluring charm which emanates from Jasmin Larian Hekmat's Cult Gaia, a simplistic, yet skillful melding of the last Four decades of fashion and its timelines. Bridging the modernist stylizations of the dawn of the space age, ala the late 1950s and 1960s, nuclear power, computer chips and pragmatic consumption, until the countercultures of the 60s attempted to rewrite it all. Opening up fashion as a freedom of expression and choice, to which the conservative templates were and still hold an aversion towards. Yet, Hekmat maintains that fine line between the commercial viability of her label and the risque.
As noted with my most recent fashion reviews of Cult Gaia and other brands, the attractiveness of a possible counterculture is still offering an impression. Particularly now with our world in turmoil, those liberating fashion trends have yet to formulate from the street. So, designers such as Hekmat can still imagine what it would be like, be it from a parallel timeline, of what could be an exciting fashionable imprint that has evolved from the street. And it has to be said, that Fashion does take it cues from societal changes, but for now what remains elusive is still fixed in place. Is fashion always about protest? Essentially at its core, it is. More so the expression of individuality and style, which Cult Gaia encapsulates so well..."
(A.Glass 2024)
Resort 2025 review soon.
Full review: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/08/cult-gaia-fall-2024.html
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