Fermi Paradox (Part 3) - Simulation Hypothesis

(Simulacron-3 (1964) - novel) 
(World on a Wire (1973) - movie)   

(World of Wires — Trailer 5'25" from Jay Scheib on Vimeo. - 2012 stage adaption and production)

A quick refresher on what the Fermi Paradox means.  Well we are young, the Earth and us, human beings.  But the universe is old.  So why have we not seen (or heard) alien space ships, probes, signals, objects and other Earth style planets in our universe?

This is one of my favorite Fermi Paradox answers; the simulation hypothesis. That we, as evolved beings, live within a simulation - an alien devised program that has been left running from a possibly long extinct race of aliens, maybe they were humanoid like us - thus we reflect them within the simulation.  At the same time they didn't write-in or program aliens, or extraterrestrial lifeforms into this simulation (which answers why we haven't seen/heard from other lifeforms), but rather we were left to create our own universes within a universe i.e ideas, imagination in creating other virtual worlds.  Therefor we became a self aware simulated experiment.

Or, we are a simulated creation of our future selves, that within the simulation, we have become our own experiment of our own thoughts manifested in a computer.  Unfortunately we are stuck on re-loop, a glitch and our evolution, technology is crimped at this current level.

