Oscar Niemeyer (December 15, 1907 – December 5, 2012) - Architect

A fantastic mini documentary via MotherboardTV (part of the Vice network) of a very noble man; Oscar Niemeyer.  An architect that lived to an amazing age of 104, who was the principle designer and urban planner of Brasilia, the Federal (Goverment) capital of Brazil built within the 20th Century - a project of Utopian scale and magnificence.  Even if it was a moment in time, but stands as monuments of a man's vision to create a modernist styled version of a socialist future - that never was.  This is the point of function and design in buildings, as discussed in Decay and deconstruction in man-made structure v's Arthur Erickson's 'Brutalism', design should outlive man, buildings should maintain their structure and purpose beyond the initial thought of what it was intended for, as a building is defined by the individual - how he/she perceives a creation in that current moment in time.  Despite the failing of communism and socialism, which has been replaced by a warped version of global capitalism that has dashes of socialist cronyism (Brazil, like the rest of the world has embraced a crony capitalist illusion), the modernist take on Architecture, which in it's purpose is about sustainability of a future - not a disposable one.
